Difference Between » Purple and Violet

Purple and Violet

While picturing, purple and violet appear to be the same in our mind. Did you know that they are different? Tap to know the difference between purple and violet.


Violet is a colour in itself. It exists on the electromagnetic spectrum. Violet is a true colour while purple is a result of a mixture of colours blue and red. These two appear the same based on the observer. 

Purple and Violet: Difference

   Basis of Difference                               Violet                                             Purple

Purple Colour

  1. Purple was derived from the Greek term “porphura” which means “purple fish” or the dye derived from it. 
  2. Scientists say that purple is a subjective colour. It is caused as a result of human eyes and brain functioning together. 
  3. Purple does not exist. 
  4. It is a mixture of red and blue. 
  5. The uncommonness of purple and the cost of its creation has provided purple with a mystical aura since time immemorial. 
  6. The colour has evolved a lot with time. With the development of the civilizations, the purple dyes were developed. The first appearance of purple dyes was in about 1900 bc. Twelve thousand shellfish were used to extract 1.5g of pure purple dye. 

Global Meaning of Purple

  1. It is either loved or hated by people across the globe. 
  2. In countries like the UK, Italy, Thailand, Brazil purple is a colour that signifies grief and demise in their culture. 
  3. It is very uncommon in flags too. Only two flags in the entire world have purple in their flag.
  4. Purple was held in reserve for the royals, kings and popes in Mediterranean people. 
  5. Purple was inaugurated as “imperial purple” by the Japanese people. 

Unique Meaning of Purple

  1. In America, the “purple heart” is given as an award for bravery. 
  2. In many western cultures, the purple colour is a symbol for the gay community. 
  3. It is also common in children. The purple Teletubby from BBC named “Barney” and “tinky winky” is very famous.
  4. Many performing artists do not perform if they have to adorn something purple. 

Myths about Purple

It has been said that purple has been utilised in treating nervous diseases as it can balance the mind and overcome fears. Scientists claim them to just be bizarre and no valid studies have proved anything as such. 

Violet Colour

  1. Violet is a true colour with its existence. 
  2. Violet has more reds.
  3. Violet has no variations. 
  4. It is accepted in the colour wheel of newton. 
  5. It is visible on the rainbow. 
  6. It can be combined with yellow, greens and blues. 
  7. Hex code is #8F00FF. 
  8. It is a gaudy bluish-purple colour. 
  9. It was once created using manganese and haematite. It was used in prehistoric cave paintings. 

Violet in Different Cultures

  1. It is used in clothing among Buddhists. 
  2. It denotes the situations of cardinals.
  3. Before Easter and Christmas, violet is the colour of repentance.
  4. It is the colour of spirituality. 
  5. Soothes burns, balances digestion and increases organic resistance.
  6. It symbolises grief in brazil.  

Violet Colour: Meaning in Aura

It is genuine and mystical. People having violet aura have tolerance for differences, are sensitive and have compassion. 

Violet Colour: Meaning in Feng Shui

It is equally or more favourable than the colour red. 


Purple is a composite colour formed by mixing red and blue. It is not recognized by the colour wheel of newton. It is absent in the rainbow. It is relative to the observer and comes in various shades. Violet is the true colour and holds a place in the colour wheel of newton. It is present in the rainbow. Violet comes in a single shade. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

What is the wavelength of violet?

Answer: 380 nm.

What is the place of violet in the rainbow?

Answer: Violet is the first colour of the rainbow.

Is Violet lighter than purple?

Answer: In scientific terms, violet is a spectral colour, which is a lighter shade than purple....Read full

Why is purple darker than violet?

Answer: In spite of the fact that both colours fall into the same spectral range, their wavelengths ...Read full