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Merits and Demerits

Merits refer to the advantages or favourable significance of something. Demerits refer to the unfavourable points of something that has some of the other adverse effects.

Wilson Mizner has rightly said about the significance of small advantages in life. According to him, we shouldn’t wish for things to be done promptly because that impedes the enlightening aspect of the thing. We shouldn’t look at the small merits of the things in our life as it staves off big things from getting done. So, one shouldn’t contemplate the small advantages in things. Here, one needs to know about the distinction between the merits and demerits of things. 

What are the Merits? 

Merits refer to any circumstance, means or opportunity that is favourable to the success towards the desired end. In addition, it also cites the respectable quality of a thing which makes it worth the respect and praise of the people.

What are the Demerits? 

Demerits refer to the mark or a characteristic that is in the issue of the deficiency and misconduct of a thing, living or nonliving. It hampers the respect that a thing has got with its merits. 

So, before coming to conclusions, one should consider both merits and demerits of the things. 

Difference between Merits and Demerits 

Merits refer to any circumstance, means or opportunity that is favourable to the success towards the desired end. It refers to the advantages or favourable significance of something. 

Demerits refer to the mark or a characteristic that is in the issue of the deficiency and misconduct of a thing, living or nonliving. It refers to the unfavourable points of something that has some of the other adverse effects.

If one is trying to evaluate a political party, he or she should know about the merits and demerits of the party. 

One should know about the merits and demerits of the system if one has to do anything about that thing. 

Various Examples of Merits and Demerits 

Let’s understand this with the help of providing merits and demerits for the trend of today’s era, social media. 

Merits of Social Media 

  1. The term social media has stayed true to its name, i.e, social media has a wide area socially and mentally.
  2. One can always express what he or she feels due to social media. 
  3. Small businesses can use this as their marketing strategy that helps in delivering important merits to the product of significant quality.
  4. Indeed, social media has an advantage in the educational process that is going on in pandemic times. Social media, if combined with some tools on the internet, will be a big boon for us.
  5. If you need a job, social media would help you through that. Online profile created by the people on LinkedIn helps them in getting in touch with the most amazing entrepreneurs of all time. 

Demerits of Social Media

  1. One of the biggest disadvantages of social media is an oversharing problem. Privacy problems can be built if people overshare on the platforms.
  2. You would have heard about cyberbullying in your life. We, the people of society, have both victims and cyber bullies among us. So, we should try to try to remain out of this toxicity that has been now created by cyberbullying.
  3. The other side of social media also directs to the spread of misinformation on various social media platforms. Surely, it can be a threat for someone.
  4. Blackmailing and the release of intimate videos on the internet is also a negative part of social media platforms. It can worsen and erode the reputation to the next extent.
  5. Even if you can make new connections on social media platforms, it still lacks the basic essence of mental and emotional connection between people. Not everyone is what they show on the internet and social media platforms. 


Everything has double sides to it. If there are merits of something, it is bound to have demerits as well. Like a coin, it has two sides, so everything has some or other merits and demerits. Indeed, we are perfect in our days with both good things and bad things in us. It’s upon us, what we want to show the people around us, the good or favourable things or the bad or unfavourable things. That’s how we need to withstand this environment of distinct varieties. 


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What do you mean by Merit?

Answer. Merits refer to any circumstance, means or opportunity that is favoura...Read full

What do you mean by demerits?

Answer. Demerits refer to the mark or a characteristic that is in the issue of...Read full

What impact do merits and demerits have on the respect of a person?

Answer. Merits cites the respectable quality of a thing which makes it worth the respect and praise of the people. O...Read full

How many sides does a person have, concerning its nature, mental, and emotional aspect?

Answer. Everything has double sides to it. If there are merits of something, it is bound to have demerits as well. L...Read full

Give some examples of merits and demerits, concerning the aspect of social media?

Answer. Merits of Social Media One can always express what he or she feels due to social media. ...Read full