Difference Between » CD and DVD

CD and DVD

Both CDs and DVDs act as important media storage devices in computer systems. Read more to know about the difference between CD and DVD.

Both CD and DVD are two different versions of an optical disk that offers high storage and high-quality definition. When it comes to the difference between these two, CDs and DVDs differ in terms of manufacturing methods and size. On the one hand, the CD consists of only one reflective layer, and DVD, on the other hand, consists of two reflective layers. Therefore, this is why a DVD is capable of storing more data than a CD. 

To know better about the difference between CD and DVD, it is recommended to learn everything about these two.


The term CD is an acronym for Compact Disk. It is a type of optical disk, the main function of storing bits of data. CD acts as the primary step taken towards the thought of digital coding of the available information. It uses a novel coding methodology, using which an individual can store around 700 MB of data or 14-bit code indicating a memory unit of a computer. It is this particular coding technique that conjointly helps in detecting the error. 

Polycarbonate layer- the first layer in a CD is the data stored in this particular device. The layer further is indented with the pits, and the distance between each pit is around 0.834 micrometre. High-intensity laser light is used for engraving data in the pits. A CD has only one reflective layer, which further means that there is a single data storage layer available in a CD.


The term DVD is the short form for the Digital Versatile Disk. It is a type of optical disk, the main function of storing digital or video data. DVD provides videos with random access and high image quality. Now that video or digital data consists of a large byte of data, the DVD storage capacity is relatively large, ranging from 4.7 GB to 17 GB. 

It is a known fact that a DVD is made of the same materials used to make a CD, but the layers in the DVD are two times the size of the CD. This is because the data in a DVD is stored in the polycarbonate layer, and there are two polycarbonate layers in the DVD. It is on the pits where the bits of data are engraved. The pits are more closely spaced and are indented on the polycarbonate surface of the DVD. 

Distinguishing between CD and DVD in tabular form

Here mentioned table consists of the differences between CD and DVD:

Basis of Differentiation



Full form

Compact Disk is the full form for CD. 

Digital Versatile Disk is the full form for DVD.

Layer of recording

The CD’s metal or recording layer is located on the top of the disk.

The metal layer or recording layer in the DVD is located in the middle of the disk.


The CD is capable of acquiring around 700 MB of data.

The DVD is capable of acquiring 4.7 GB to 17 GB of data.

Layer of Pits

CD has a single pit layer.

DVD has a double layer of pits.

Space present between Pits

The total space present between the individual pits is around 0.834 micrometres.

The total space present between the individual pits in DVD is around 0.40 micrometres.

Space present between loops

There is a total of 1.6-micrometre space between the spirals’ loop in the CD.

There is a total of 0.74-micrometre space between the spiral loop in the DVD.

Code of correction

When it comes to the error correction codes, CIRC and EFMP are used in the CD.

When it comes to the error correction codes, RS-PC and EFMplus are used in the DVD.

Rate of data transfer

The data in CD can be transferred at the rate of 1.4 MB to 1.6 MB per second.

The data in DVD can be transferred at the rate of 11 MB per second.

Removal of adhesive labels

After the removal of adhesive labels, there can be damage to the metal layer of the CD.

In DVD, after the removal of adhesive labels, there can be an imbalance in the spin.

Length of channel bits 

When it comes to the CD, the channel bit length is 300 nanometers.

When it comes to the DVD, the channel bit length is 113 nanometers.


The CD is around 1.2 mm thick.

The DVD is around 0.6 mm thick.

Numeric Aperture

In the case of a CD, the numeric aperture is 0.45.

In the case of a DVD, the numeric aperture is 0.6.


The invention of both CDs and DVDs- the optical discs that provided a better alternative for storing data to using the floppy disk as a data storage device. In terms of invention, CDs were invented much before DVDs. However, due to the emergence of CD, it became easy and quick to store computer data. DVDs also use the same principle as CDs when it comes to storing data but offer more storage and efficiency. This article will let you know about the difference between CD and DVD. 


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