Daily News Analysis » World’s largest opium producer

World’s largest opium producer

Leaving behind Afghanistan, Myanmar has become the world’s leading producer of opium.

Why in news?

Leaving behind Afghanistan, Myanmar has become the world’s leading producer of opium. 

Key Points: 

  • According to UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) economic and political crisis and widening conflict between the military and armed group is driving farmers towards illicit opium poppy production.
  •  Most significant increases were registered in the Shan state, which lies in the so-called Golden Triangle, considered to be the hub of narcotic production and smuggling.
  • The cultivation there increased by 20 per cent, followed by Chin and Kachin states – bordering India –where it increased by 10 per cent and six per cent, respectively.
  • The expansion of opium cultivation is feeding a growing illicit economy in the Mekong region.