Daily News Analysis » Urban Employment Scheme

Urban Employment Scheme

Recently, the Rajasthan Government launched the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Scheme.

Why in the News?

Recently, the Rajasthan Government launched the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Scheme.

Key Points:

About What is the Indira Gandhi Urban Employment Scheme
  • Aim: To provide economic support to the poor living in the cities through work.
  • Duration:  100 days in a year. 
  • Eligibility: 18 to 60 years residing within the limits of urban local bodies. 

Urban Employment Guarantee Schemes of other States:

  • Kerala: Ayyankali Urban Employment Guarantee Scheme (AUEGS)
  • Himachal Pradesh: Mukhya Mantri Shahri Ajeevika Guarantee Yojna
  • Jharkhand: Mukhyamantri Shramik Yojana