Daily News Analysis » Statue of Peace

Statue of Peace

Statue of Peace: Everything you need to know about the Statue of Peace is here.

Why in the News?

Recently, Union Home and Cooperation Minister unveiled the Statue of Peace of Swami Ramanujacharya in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir.

Earlier, Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the saint’s 216-feet statue (Statue of Equality) in Hyderabad in February 2022.

Key Points

About Swami Ramanujacharya

  • Swami Ramanujacharya also known as Ramanuja was born in Tamil Nadu’s Sriperumbudur in Vikram Samvat 1074.
  • He devoted his whole life to religion, devotion and the Nation.
  • He had a deep relationship with Kashmir.
  • Ramanujacharya reinterpreted inclusive society, religion and philosophy through the Vishishtadvaita sect.
  • He is believed to be the first Hindu acharya to initiate women into ‘sanyasa’ (renunciation of the world).
  • Books: He wrote many books, including Sri Bhashya, Vedartha Sangraha and Bhagavad Gita Bhasya.