Daily News Analysis » PM Schools For Rising India (PM-SHRI)

PM Schools For Rising India (PM-SHRI)

Recently, the Union Cabinet approved the PM SHRI scheme to turn existing government schools into model schools for implementation of the National Education Policy, 2022.

Why in the News?

Recently, the Union Cabinet approved the PM SHRI scheme to turn existing government schools into model schools for implementation of the National Education Policy, 2022.

Key Points:


    • Under the scheme, 14,500 schools across India’s states and Union Territories will be redeveloped to reflect the key features of the New Education Policy(NEP), 2020.
    • Nodal Ministry: Ministry of Education
    • Nature: Centrally Sponsored Scheme
    • Time Period: 2022-23 to 2026-27.
    • Budget:  ₹ 27,360-crore
    • It will be application-based, which means states will have to identify schools for upgradation under the scheme.
  • Selection Methodology: 
    • Selection of PM SHRI schools will be done through Challenge Mode wherein Schools compete for support to become exemplar schools.
    • It would be required for schools to self-apply on the online portal.
    • Maximum two schools would be selected per block or Urban Local Bodies.
    • Elementary, secondary, and senior secondary schools managed by centre, state and UT governments, local bodies having Unified District Information System for Education (UDISE) code will be considered for selection under the scheme.

Centrally Sponsored Scheme:

  • A Centrally sponsored scheme is one in which the cost of implementation is mostly split in a 60:40 ratio between the Union government and the states/UTs.
  • In the case of the Northeastern states, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir, and UTs without legislatures, the Centre’s contribution can go up to 90 per cent.

How PM SHRI schools will be different from existing government-run schools?

  • Energy-efficient infrastructure and integration of organic lifestyle in curriculum.
  •  These schools will also “offer mentorship” to other schools in their vicinity.
  • To be developed as Green Schools.
  • Special modules on improving foundational literacy and numeracy.
  • Linkage of schools with higher education institutions for mentoring.
  • Provisions for internships with local artisans.
  • Pedagogy adopted in these schools will be more experiential, holistic, integrated, play/ toy-based (particularly, in the foundational years) inquiry-driven.
  • Focus will be on the learning outcomes of every child in every grade.
  • Assessment at all levels will be based on conceptual understanding and application of knowledge to real-life situations and will be competency-based.
  • Linkage with Sector Skill Councils and local industry for enhancing employability and providing better employment opportunities will be explored.
  • A School Quality Assessment Framework (SQAF) is being developed, specifying the key performance indicators to measure outcomes.

Implementation strategy

  • PM SHRI Schools would be implemented through the existing administrative structure available for Samagra Shiksha, Kendriya Vidyalaya Schools & Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti.


  • The PM SHRI schools will deliver quality teaching for the cognitive development of students.
  • They will strive to create and nurture holistic and well-rounded individuals equipped with key 21st-century skills.
  • The institutions developed under PM SHRI will become “model schools” and will be in the full spirit of NEP.