Daily News Analysis » New Weapon Systems Of The Army

New Weapon Systems Of The Army

This article will cover detailed information about New Weapon Systems Of The Army.

Why in the News?

Recently, the Defence Minister handed over several new defence systems, including the F-INSAS, the Nipun mines, and the Landing Craft Assault (LCA), to the Army.

Key Points:

About F-INSAS System

  • F-INSAS stands for Future Infantry Soldier As A System.
  • Conceived in the 2000s, F-INSAS is one among many soldier modernisation programmes across the world
  • It is a programme for infantry modernisation aimed at increasing the operational capability of the soldier. 
  • As part of the project, soldiers are being equipped with modern systems that are lightweight, all-weather-all-terrain, cost-effective and low maintenance.
  • The full gear of the F-INSAS system includes:
    • AK-203 assault rifle
    • Magazine-fed
    •  Select-fire assault rifle
    •  Multi-mode hand grenade

Image Source: First Post

Nipun Mines

    • Nipun mines are indigenously designed and developed anti-personnel mines.
    • They are termed by the DRDO as ‘soft target blast munition’. 
    • These mines are meant to act as the first line of defence against infiltrators and enemy infantry. 
    • Developed By: DRDO.
  • Utility:
    • Anti-personnel mines are meant to be used against humans as against anti-tank mines that are aimed at heavy vehicles.
    • The mine will provide protection to the troops on the borders and is more potent and effective than the existing anti-personnel mine in its arsenal.

Image Source: Hindustan Times

Landing Craft Assault (LCA)

    • LCA is meant to serve as a replacement for the boats with limited capabilities currently in use in the Pangong Tso lake. 

  • Key Features:
    • It has been indigenously developed by Goa-based Aquarius Shipyard Limited.

    • Better launch, speed and capacity to operate across water obstacles in eastern Ladakh. 

Image Source: The Economic Times

News Source: The Indian Express