Daily News Analysis » National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM)

National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM)

The Ministry of Textiles has launched several strategic research projects under the flagship programme 'National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM).

Why in the News?

The Ministry of Textiles has launched several strategic research projects under the flagship programme ‘National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM).

Key Points:

  • Projects areas: speciality fibres, sustainable textiles, geotextiles, mobiltech and sports textiles.

About National Technical Textiles Mission:

  • It was launched in 2020 to make India a global leader in technical textiles and improve their usage.
  • Implementation period:  2020-21 to 2023-24
  • Ministry: Ministry of Textiles
    • Presently, India shares only 6% of the world market and the usage level is only 5-10% (usage in advanced countries 30-70%)
  • It will have four components: 
    • Research &Development; 
    • Promotion and development of the market; 
    • Export promotion; and 
    • Education, training and skill development.

What are technical textiles?

  • Textile materials that are manufactured for their technical performances and functional properties rather than aesthetic and decorative features fall under the technical textiles category. 
  • Technical textiles have applications across various industries including automobiles, civil engineering and construction, agriculture, healthcare, industrial safety, personal protection etc.