Daily News Analysis » Monkeypox


Here's everything you need to know about Monkeypox

Why in the News?

Recently, the first case of monkeypox was detected in India.  

Key Points:


Monkeypox virus

  • The Monkeypox virus is an , which is a genus of viruses that includes the variola virus, which causes smallpox.
  • Monkeypox causes symptoms similar to smallpox, though they are less severe.
  • The first case of the virus in humans was recorded in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
  • Spread: Monkeypox continues to occur in a swathe of countries in Central and West Africa.
  • Transmission: Monkeypox gets transmitted from infected animals to human beings.
  • Monkeypox virus infection has been found in squirrels, Gambian dormice, and some species of monkeys.
  • Symptoms: Monkeypox starts with fever, headache, muscle aches, backache, exhaustion.
    • It often causes the lymph nodes to swell (lymphadenopathy).
  • The incubation period (time from infection to symptoms) for monkeypox is usually 7-14 days but can range from 5-21 days.
  • No safe, proven treatment for monkeypox has been found yet.
News Source: Hindustan Times