Daily News Analysis » Light-mantled Albatross

Light-mantled Albatross

This article will cover detailed information about Light-mantled Albatross

Why in the News?

Recently, the First Asian sighting of the Light-mantled Albatross was recorded from Rameswaram Island, Tamil Nadu.

Key Points:

About Light-mantled Albatross:

  • Species is native to the Antarctic seas.
  • Researchers looking for more insights into this surprising transcontinental tour of the Antarctic seabird.
  • According to an estimate in 1998, it has a population of 21, 600 breeding pairs worldwide.
  • Protection Status: Listed as a ‘near threatened’ species by the ICUN
  • Reasons:
    • A change in atmospheric pressure
    • Changes in the wind pattern caused by global warming are bringing strange birds to this region
    • Due to increase in atmospheric temperature.