Daily News Analysis » Karan Singh’s Proclamation of 1949 and Article 370 Abrogation

Karan Singh’s Proclamation of 1949 and Article 370 Abrogation

  • Background:

    • In November 1949, Yuvraj Karan Singh, heir to the throne of Jammu and Kashmir, issued a proclamation regarding J&K’s constitutional relationship with India.
    • This proclamation was made in the context of the Indian Constitution’s impending adoption.

    Content of the Proclamation:

    • The proclamation declared that the Government of India Act, 1935, would be repealed in J&K.
    • It stated that the Constitution of India would supersede all other constitutional provisions in J&K that were inconsistent with it.

    Significance of the Proclamation:

    • The proclamation was seen as a crucial step in integrating J&K with India, removing ambiguities about its status.
    • It was interpreted as an acceptance of the supremacy of the Indian Constitution over J&K’s governance.

    Why in News:

    • In the recently delivered landmark judgment on the abrogation of Article 370, the Supreme Court quoted Karan Singh’s Proclamation of 1949.