Daily News Analysis » January 2024 » Wildlife Licensing Rules 2024: 24 Jan 2024

Wildlife Licensing Rules 2024: 24 Jan 2024

The central government has recently introduced Wild Life (Protection) Licensing (Additional Matters for Consideration) Rules, 2024, amending the wildlife trade rules, 1983

Why in News: 

  • The central government has recently introduced Wild Life (Protection) Licensing (Additional Matters for Consideration) Rules, 2024, amending the wildlife trade rules, 1983 

Schedule I Changes:

  • 1983 Rules: Required prior consultation with the Central Government for granting licenses to trade in wild animals listed in Schedule I or Part II of Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  • 2024 Amendment: Maintains the need for consultation with the Central Government for trading in Schedule I species but removes the reference to Part II of Schedule II.

Schedule II Modifications:

  • Removal of Licensing Restrictions: The new rules eliminate the requirement for central government consultation for trading in species listed in Schedule II of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972.
  • Implication: This change simplifies the licensing process for trading in Schedule II species, which includes certain species that require protection but are not as critically endangered as those in Schedule I.

Factors for Licensing Consideration:

  • The new rules outline specific factors that authorities must consider while granting licenses. These include:
    • The applicant’s capacity to deal with the species.
    • The source and method of obtaining supplies of the species.
    • The number of existing licenses in the area for similar trade.
    • The potential impact on the hunting or trade of the concerned wild animals.