Daily News Analysis » January 2024 » UNRWA – United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees : 30 Jan 2024

UNRWA – United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees : 30 Jan 2024

Key Points:

  • Establishment: Founded in 1949, following the 1948 Arab-Israeli conflict.
  • Mandate: Tasked by the UN General Assembly to assist Palestinian refugees.
  • Primary Objective: To aid approximately 700,000 Palestinians displaced during the 1948 war.
  • Additional Assistance: Provides humanitarian aid to others in need within its operational regions.
  • Funding: Relies on voluntary contributions from donor countries and a limited UN subsidy for administrative expenses.
  • Operational Regions: Active in Gaza, the West Bank (Israeli-occupied), Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
  • Services Provided: Offers education, health care, relief and social services, microfinance, and emergency aid, both in and outside refugee camps.
  • Beneficiaries: Currently serves around 5.9 million Palestinian refugees, including descendants of the original refugees.

Why in News:

  • Recently, there have been calls for reconsideration of funding cuts by the US and other Western countries, which collectively contributed over half of UNRWA’s 2022 budget.