Daily News Analysis » January 2024 » Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2023 : 31 Jan 2024

Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2023 : 31 Jan 2024

Corruption Perception Index (CPI) 2023

About Transparency International

  • Foundation: Established in 1993 as an international non-governmental organization.
  • Headquarters: Based in Berlin, Germany.
  • Objective: Aims to combat global corruption and prevent criminal activities related to corruption through civil society measures.
  • Key Publications:
    • Global Corruption Barometer: Surveys public opinion and experiences with corruption.
    • Corruption Perception Index: Annual index ranking countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption.

About Corruption Perception Index (CPI): 

  • The Corruption Perceptions Index is an annual ranking of countries by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys
  • It is released by Transparency International.

Why in News:

  • Recently, the Corruption Perceptions Index was released.

Key points related to the recent report: 

  • India’s Position: Ranked 93rd out of 180 countries in the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index.
  • Score: India scored 39 on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 indicates high corruption and 100 signifies very clean. This is a decline from the 2022 score of 40.
  • Previous Year’s Rank: India was ranked 85th in 2022.
  • Top Countries: Denmark, Finland, New Zealand, and Norway lead the index, showcasing lower perceived levels of public sector corruption.