Daily News Analysis » January 2024 » Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP) : 25 Jan 2024

Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP) : 25 Jan 2024

Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace:

  • 1970: It was founded at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
  • About: It is a voluntary movement of followers of Buddhism with both monastic (monks) and lay members.
  • Origin: ABCP then emerged as a collaborative effort of Buddhist dignitaries from India, Mongolia, Japan, Malaysia, Nepal, the then USSR, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, South and North Korea.
  • Headquarters: Gandanthegchenling Monastery in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The Supreme Head of Mongolian Buddhists is the current ABCP President.
  • Aim of ABCP: It aims to bring together efforts of Buddhists in support of consolidating universal peace, harmony and cooperation among peoples of Asia.

Why in News:

  • Recently, the Asian Buddhist Conference for Peace (ABCP) held its 12th General Assembly in New Delhi.
  • Theme of 12th ABCP General Assembly: “ABCP – The Buddhist Voice of Global South.”