Daily News Analysis » ‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy’: Niti Aayog

‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy’: Niti Aayog

Why in the news?

Recently, NITI Aayog released its report, ‘India’s Booming Gig and Platform Economy’.

Key Points:

  • It pitched for fiscal incentives to draw more women into the gig economy.
  • Fiscal incentives like tax breaks or startup grants for companies with about one-third of their workforce as women and people with disabilities (PwDs).

What is gig economy?

  • The economy based on flexible, temporary, or freelance jobs, is called gig economy. 
  • It may involve connecting with clients or customers through an online platform.
  • The gig economy can benefit workers, businesses, and consumers by making work more adaptable to the needs of the moment and the demand for flexible lifestyles.
  • It can have downsides due to the erosion of traditional economic relationships between workers, businesses, and clients.

Who are gig workers?

  • Gig workers are typically hired by companies on a contractual basis and are not considered their employees. 
    • As a result, they do not receive some of the benefits that an on roll employee of the company get.
    • Gig workers can be broadly classified into platform and non-platform workers. 
      • Platform workers are those whose work is based on online software apps or digital platforms. 
        • Example: those whose work is based on online software apps or digital platforms such as food aggregator platforms Zomato, Swiggy, Ola, and others.
      • Non-platform gig workers are generally casual wage workers, working part-time or full-time.

Workforce engaged in the gig economy:

  • More than 7.5 million workers were engaged in the gig economy in 2020-21. 
  • This could grow to 23.5 million workers in the next eight years, making up for 4.1 per cent of total livelihood in India.
  • 47 per cent of the gig work is in medium-skilled jobs, 
  • 22 per cent in high skilled, and 
  • 31 per cent in low skilled jobs. 

What are the challenges of the gig economy:

  • Lack of job security
  • Irregularity of wages
  • Uncertain employment status for workers etc. 

What are the Recommendations?

  • Gender Sensitisation: To promote the rights of women and persons with disabilities, the report suggests that companies carry out gender sensitisation and accessibility awareness programmes.
  • Social Security Measures: It recommended that firms adopt policies that offer old age or retirement plans and benefits and other insurance covers to gig workers.
  • Access to Finance: Access to institutional credit could be enhanced through financial products specifically designed for platform workers and those interested in set up their own platforms.

Report regarding women and PwDs:

  • Women are more likely to take up platform jobs after their education and marriage in urban centres of India.
  • Female labour force participation in India has remained low, oscillating between 16 per cent to 23 per cent in the last few years.
  • Persons with disabilities, who make up 2.11 to 10 per cent of India’s population, have a labour force participation rate of 36 per cent.