Daily News Analysis » Google Street View

Google Street View

This article will cover detailed information about Google Street View

Why in the News?

Recently, the Google Street View feature got available for ten cities in India.

Key Points:


Google Street View

  • Google Street View, allows its users to view panoramic and street-level 360-degree views of a particular place.
  • The view of a location is captured using special cameras mounted on vehicles or on backpacks by data collectors.
  • The images are stitched together to make a 360-degree view which users can swipe to get a detailed panoramic view of the area. 
  • It is available on Android and iOS using the app or as a web view.
  • With Street View, users are able to see exactly how a new destination looks like.

Google Street View Feature in India:

  • Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Pune, Nashik, Vadodara, Ahmednagar, and Amritsar.

Prohibited Areas in India:

  • Government properties, defence establishments and military areas.


  • Privacy 

National Geospatial Policy, 2021 & Google Street View:

  • The new geospatial policy allows local entities to do the data collection.
  • Google has partnered with two Indian firms – mapping solutions provider Genesys International and Tech Mahindra.
  • Local companies can collect data, and foreign firms can license the data from Indian entities to serve their customers in the country.


  • Google Street View partnerships with local traffic authorities will help to improve road safety and reduce traffic congestion. 
  • Google Maps will show speed limits data shared by the traffic authorities.
  • It will help people navigate and explore new corners of the country and the world in a more visual and accurate way.