Daily News Analysis » Global Hunger Index (GHI), 2023

Global Hunger Index (GHI), 2023

GHI report was released by the Concern Worldwide of Ireland and Welthungerhilfe (a German non-profit organization).

  • Key Points: 

    • 2023: 111th Rank 
    • 2022: 107th Rank
    • Indicators:  
    • Undernourishment (inadequate food availability): Share of the population that is undernourished.
    • Child Wasting ( acute undernutrition): Share of children under five with low weight for their height.
    • Child Stunting ( chronic undernutrition): Share of children under five with low height for their age.
    • Child Mortality ( inadequate nutrition and unhealthy environment): Mortality rate of children under five.

    India’s stand: 

    • The Indian government has rejected the GHI 2023 ranking, citing serious methodology   and  malicious intent behind the report.
    • According to Women and Child development Ministry (WCD), 3 out of 4 indicators used are related  child health, do not represent the entire population.
    • WCD Ministry highlights  disparity between the child wasting rate as per the Poshan Tracker  and as reported in GHI 2023

    Why in news?

    • GHI report was released by the Concern Worldwide of Ireland and Welthungerhilfe (a German non-profit organization).