Daily News Analysis » Farm Fire Monitoring and Data Limitations

Farm Fire Monitoring and Data Limitations

The stubble burning has been the cause of much debate and how India monitors its farm fires has come under scanner.

Data Collection on Farm Fires:

  • Agency Involved: Indian Agricultural Research Institute’s (IARI) Consortium for Research on Agroecosystem Monitoring and Modeling from Space (CREAMS) Laboratory.
  • Data Inclusion: District-wise breakdown, location, satellite details, time, and intensity of fires.

Method of Data Collection:

  • Satellites Used: Three NASA satellites with sensors (VIIRS on Suomi NPP, and two MODIS on Terra and Aqua).
  • Frequency: Each satellite covers the Indian subcontinent twice every 24 hours.
  • Data Sources: IARI’s ground station and National Remote Sensing Centre.
  • Standardization: Since 2021, a standard protocol by the Commission for Air Quality Management (CAQM) is used.

Limitations of the Data:

  •  Limited number of satellites restricts frequency of data capture.
  • Cloud cover and atmospheric conditions can affect sensor readings.
  • Delays and recalibrations of satellite sensors can impact data accuracy.

Why in News:

  • The stubble burning has been the cause of much debate and how India monitors its farm fires has come under scanner.