Daily News Analysis » Derecho Storm

Derecho Storm

Derecho Storm: Everything you need to know about the Derecho Storm is here.

Why in the News?

Recently, some states in the USA were hit by a storm system called a ‘Derecho’.

Key Points:

About Derecho

  • The ‘Derecho’ name comes from the Spanish word ‘la derecha’ which means ‘straight’.
  • A Derecho, is “a widespread, long-lived, straight-line windstorm” which is associated with a “band of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms”.
  • It is a warm-weather phenomenon.
  • For a storm to be classified as a derecho it must have wind gusts of at least 93 km per hour; a wind damage swath extending more than 400 km.
  • Severe thunderstorms result in a ‘green sky’ due to light interacting with the huge amount of water they hold.
  • They mostly occur across central and eastern parts of the United States.
  • They fall into three categories:
    • Progressive
    • Serial
    • Hybrid

Straight-line Storms

  • Straight-line storms are those in which thunderstorm winds have no rotation, unlike a tornado.