Daily News Analysis » Dark Matter

Dark Matter

Dark Matter: Everything you need to know about Dark Matter is here.

Why in the News?

A dark matter detector experiment named LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is being carried out in South Dakota in the USA.

About Dark Matter

  • Dark matter’s existence was first inferred by Swiss American astronomer Fritz Zwicky.
  • Dark matter is a kind of matter that is thought to occupy a little more than 80 per cent of this universe.
  • It is called ‘Dark Matter’ since it does not absorb or emit light, remaining (optically) dark in our search for it.
  • Dark matter is made up of particles that do not have a charge — which means they do not interact through electromagnetic interactions.
  • Dark matter makes up 30.1 per cent of the matter-energy composition of the universe; the rest is dark energy (69.4 per cent) and “ordinary” visible matter (0.5 percent).