Daily News Analysis » Cluster Munitions

Cluster Munitions

The United States has made the decision to give cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package worth up to USD 800 million.


  • Cluster munitions can indiscriminately harm civilians and civilian objects, violating international humanitarian law.
  • They have a high failure rate, leaving behind unexploded ordnance that poses an ongoing danger.
  • They make big areas unsafe for a long time, harming countries’ health and economies.

Convention on Cluster Munitions:

  • 2008: Convention on Cluster Munitions was signed to outlaw the use, production, transfer, and stockpiling of these weapons due to their indiscriminate and long-lasting effects on civilian populations.
  • 123 countries joined, but some big ones like India, the US, Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, and Israel didn’t sign.

Why in News:

  • The United States has made the decision to give cluster munitions to Ukraine as part of a new military aid package worth up to USD 800 million.