Daily News Analysis » Bhu-Vision: Transforming Agriculture with IoT Soil Testing

Bhu-Vision: Transforming Agriculture with IoT Soil Testing


  • Bhu-Vision, or the KRISHI-RASTAA Soil Testing System, is an innovative IoT platform recently launched in India for agriculture. 
  • It offers smart, fast, and affordable soil testing solutions to farmers, potentially revolutionizing the sector and aiding India’s agricultural goals.


Features of Bhu-Vision:

  • The portable device operated with minimal training.
  • Conducts 12 vital soil tests in 30 minutes using sensors and colourimetric methods.
  • Measures parameters like pH, nutrients, and minerals.
  • Generates soil health cards with test results and tailored advice.


Significance of Bhu-Vision:

  • Empower farmers with independent soil testing.
  • Optimize fertilizer use and reduce environmental impact by minimizing fertilizer runoff.
  • Improves crop productivity and quality with timely guidance.
  • Promotes sustainable practices for soil health.
  • Provides real-time data for research and analysis.
  • Contributes to national food security and agricultural growth.



Bhu-Vision’s potential to transform agriculture in India is evident. By embracing this revolutionary system, India can enhance crop yields, improve soil health, and contribute to sustainable agricultural development.