Current Affairs » World Space Week 2022

World Space Week 2022

Every year, from 4 October to 10 October, people worldwide mark World Space Week to honour technology and science and their positive impact on society.

The General Assembly declared World Space Week on December 6, 1999, to recognize the contribution of space research and technology to the advancement of humanity. World Space Week is the world’s largest yearly space event. The week inspires schoolchildren, which helps to create the future workforce; it exhibits tangible popular backing for the space program; it informs people regarding space activities, and it encourages international collaboration in space education and outreach.

The World Space Week Association Board of Directors selects a topic each year in close collaboration with the UN Office of Outer Space Affairs. The topic gives World Space Week participants broad direction on their programs’ substance. The theme was chosen to boost the influence of World Space Week on mankind by employing a consistent theme across the world.

Key Takeaways

  • Every year, from October 4 – 10, people worldwide mark World Space Week to honour research and development and their positive impact on society. 
  • The goal of World Space Week is to increase public awareness of space education and outreach. 
  • This makes it easier for people worldwide to comprehend the advantages of space travel and how to use it to promote sustainable economic growth. 
  • Additionally, it strives to honour and demonstrate popular backing for space initiatives. 
  • The topic of World Space Week 2022 is “Space and Sustainability,” emphasising attaining sustainability from space and space. 
  • The subject is motivated by the connection between space sustainability and human usage of space, particularly the orbital region around the Earth.

World Space Week

World Space Week 2022 will take place from 4 October to 10 October 2022. It’s an annual celebration that honours technology and science and their contributions to improving human existence. The event kicks up on October 4th to enjoy the launching of the initial man-made spacecraft (Sputnik 1) on that date in 1957. 

It ends on October 10th to commemorate the signing of the Treaty upon Principles Governing the Conduct of States in the Exploring and Peace Uses of Space Aliens, Including the Moon and other Celestial Bodies, on that date in 1967. World Space Week strives to educate individuals on the benefits of space, increase popular backing for space programs, and promote space utilisation for long-term economic growth.

History Of World Space

The  World Space Week Association began hosting a small-scale occasion named Space Week in 1980. This event featured the commemoration of the initial lunar arrival each July 16–24 and served as the foundation for the development of World Space Week.

The World Space Week Association established “Spaceweek National Headquarters” in 1981 to organise a national holiday in the US. Over 15 countries have received Space Week by 1999. Additionally, the UN General Assembly proclaimed October 4–10 World Space Week each year. As the event’s global organiser, theWorld Space Week Association organised the inaugural commemoration in 2000.

The World Space Week Association now manages a global group of national planners who plan events inside their own nations. The World Space Week Association  uses World Space Week as its centrepiece to educate the public about the advantages of space exploration and to promote interest via involvement. The group keeps expanding the holiday’s scope and influence. World Space Week, the largest space event, is commemorated in about 90 nations, making their efforts successful.

World Space Timeline

  • 1980

Space Week is organised by the World Space Week Association. 

The World Space Week Association organises Space Week in the US.

  • 1981

The World Space Week Association establishes a national office.

The World Space Week Association creates the Spaceweek National Headquarters to plan a national celebration.

  • 1999

Event Motivates Nations.

15 nations participated in the celebration of Space Week, which attracted a sizable number of nations.

  • 1999

World Space Week officially starts.

World Space Week was established by Resolutions 54 out of 68 of the UN General Assembly on December 6, 1999.

Sustainability and Space

The topic of World Space Week 2022 is “Space and Sustainability,” emphasising attaining and achieving sustainability through space. The concept is inspired by the relationship between sustainability in space and how mankind uses space, most notably the orbital region encircling Earth. 

Remote Earth observation and space exploration can help to drive changes for our home planet. This involves detecting climate change, identifying pollutants on land and at sea, and assisting underdeveloped countries with agriculture.

Earth observation satellites and associated technologies directly help 65 of the 169 goals that comprise the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Fulfilling the SDGs would’ve been more challenging even without space exploration tools and techniques made accessible to scientists. 

The potential for space to promote the SDGs is vast. Space-based services and technology are critical in comprehending climate change and across the whole catastrophe management cycle; these are just two examples of the numerous applications to which space may contribute.