Current Affairs » Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (WEST) Initiative

Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology (WEST) Initiative

WEST (Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology) given on September 5, 2022, by Doctor Parvinder Maini who is Scientific Secretary, Office of the PSA to the Indian territory. WEST is the latest  (I-STEM) Indian Science Technology and Engineering facilities Map initiative. The WEST programme will aid women who have backgrounds in STEM fields and provide them with the resources they require to take part in the environment of innovation, research, and technology. I-STEM is a digital platform used across the country to exchange research resources. It is a place for several initiatives to foster partnerships in R&D and technical innovation between academic institutions and industry, especially startups.

I-STEM will give scientifically oriented women researchers, academics, and scientists different program platforms through its WEST to do search in science in competent scientific subjects and technology. Women participating in the WEST program could find options to be an active candidate in numerous industries and pursue jobs in Research and Development at different phases, including those of scientists, technicians, technologists,  and entrepreneurs. Opportunities include creating and producing scientific apparatus and operating and maintaining it.

Key takeaways

  • The WEST programme serves as the foundation for the I-STEM, which offers a unique platform for technologically savvy women academics, scientists, and engineers.
  • They will be inspired by this platform to pursue fundamental or applied science research in cutting-edge fields of engineering and science.
  • Women who join WEST can investigate chances to take on stakeholder roles across various industries and pursue R&D jobs at various levels.
  • Women with backgrounds in S&T are given training through the WEST initiative’s skill development programme to hone their skills.
  • It will support women’s re-entry into S&T fields following a career pause.
  • Women researchers will have a forum to discuss accomplishments, problems, and suggestions for moving India toward advanced technologies through I-STEM.

About I-STEM

  • A national website called I-STEM allows users to share Research and Development facilities.
  • The site will serve as a gateway for users and researchers to find the facilities they need for research and development projects. 
  • The site enables researchers to share the specifics of the results, such as patents, publications, and innovations, as well as to obtain slots for the use of equipment.
  • An interactive and dynamic national platform called I-STEM is home to several scientific activities.
  • The department of the Principal Scientific Adviser, India’s government, was the one who started it.
  • It serves as the umbrella organisation for several initiatives encouraging R&D and technology innovation partnerships within and between universities and industry, particularly startups.
  • I-STEM will provide a forum for women researchers to present their work, challenges, and plans for promoting the country through creativity, science, & technology.
  • At first, identical facilities were running at IIT Bombay and IISc Bengaluru. These facilities are mirrored in the I-STEM site. Centre for Nano Science & Engineering was the facility’s name within IISc Bengaluru (CeNSE).

About The WEST Initiative

  • The WEST programme will aid women who have backgrounds in STEM fields and provide them with the equipment they require to contribute to the environment of tech, science, and invention.
  • I-STEM will give scientifically oriented women scientists, & technologists a different program platform through its WEST project to do research in applied sciences in competent scientific subjects and engineering.
  • Women participating in the WEST program could find options to be an  active candidate in numerous industries and pursue jobs in Research and Development at different phases, with those of technicians, technologists,  scientists, and entrepreneurs.
  • Women with expertise in science and technology will be able to sharpen their abilities & begin working “in the field” as laboratory staff and maintenance engineers thanks to the skill development programmes offered by the WEST project.
  • I-STEM’s will give users access to R&D facilities and R&D application programmes(COMSOL, LABVIEW, AUTOCAD,MATLAB).
  • Additionally, using the I-STEM Telegram & WhatsApp platforms, a virtual alliance group named “Connect Quickly” for digital communication and quick aids has been developed.

Significance Of The West For Women

  • i-STEM will give female researchers a forum to discuss their accomplishments, problems, and ideas for moving the nation ahead via innovation, science, and technology.
  • The WEST initiative’s skill development programmes will enable women with S&T credentials to sharpen their work “in the field” as technicians & maintenance engineers, addressing critical space in the nation’s R&D infrastructure.
  • Using knowledge, women may start their businesses as assistants on the I-STEM to maintain and operate complex assets. This may help fill a “skills gap” and adequately use equipment purchased with public money.
  • The present consultant that I-STEM provides to women entrepreneurs starting businesses would be enhanced due to the WEST project. Females in S&T would have brave support networks thanks to  R&D software applications ( MATLAB, COMSOL,  AUTOCAD, LABVIEW) facilitated by the I-STEM website.
  • I-STEM will provide a forum for women researchers to present their work, challenges, and plans for promoting the country through creativity, science, & technology.
  • Additionally, using the I-STEM Telegram & WhatsApp platforms, a virtual alliance group named “Connect Quickly” for digital communication and quick aid has been developed.

Prime Minister’s Science, Technology and Innovation Advisory Council

The PM receives advice on innovation, science, and technology from this 21-member advisory board. Coordinating the scientific vision of the PM is another function of it.

It supports creating multidisciplinary technology development programmes and the timely conception and execution of important scientific and technology missions.

Additionally, it offers government advice on creating “Clusters of Excellence” in research, mainly urban R&D clusters.

It aspires to unite all scientific and technology partners, from academic institutions and businesses close to such centres or cities.