Current Affairs » US Currency Monitoring List

US Currency Monitoring List

India had been on the list for the last two years.

Why in the News?

Recently, the United States Department of Treasury has taken off India’s name from its Currency Monitoring List of major trading partners.


Key Points:


Currency Monitoring List

  • It monitors the currency policies of the US’ major trade partner countries.
  • If a country appears on this list, it is regarded as a “currency manipulator”.

Why do Countries manipulate their currency?

  • If a country artificially lowers the value of its currency, it gives an advantage over others in the trade. 
  • As a lower currency value leads to reduced export costs from that country.

Removal of India from the list – What does it mean?

  • RBI can take measures to manage the exchange rates effectively, without being tagged as a currency manipulator. 
  • From a market standpoint, it signifies the growing role of India in global growth.

News Source: The Indian Express