Current Affairs » Two Finger Test

Two Finger Test

Unscientific Practice

Why in the News?

Recently, the Supreme Court said that the ‘two-finger test’ on alleged rape victims is regressive, and has no scientific basis.

Key Points:

What is the two-finger test?

  • The two-finger test is conducted on alleged victims of sexual assault and rape.
  • It determines whether they are habituated to sexual intercourse.

SC’s earlier comments:

  • 2013: The court held that the two-finger test violates a woman’s right to privacy.


  • The practice is unscientific and does not provide any definite information
  • It instead re-victimizes and re-traumatizes women who may have been sexually assaulted and is an affront to their dignity. 

Way ahead

  • Workshops should be held for health providers to prevent the test from being conducted on rape survivors.
  • The court order should be circulated to the health and home departments of the States. 
  • Any person who conducts the two-finger test in sexual assault cases shall be guilty of misconduct.