Current Affairs » Telangana ‘Nethanna Bima’ Scheme

Telangana ‘Nethanna Bima’ Scheme

Telangana’s state government is implementing a new plan to assist the people. In Telangana, a new plan named Nethanna Ku Bima will be launched as part of this. The Handloom Weavers Scheme replaces handloom weavers’ insurance coverage. Hence this scheme is only for handloom weavers. This plan provides the beneficiary up to Rs 5 lakh in equity while assisting the beneficiary’s relatives. In this article, we’ll learn about this program, its objective, its advantages, who is qualified for it, what documentation they require, and how to enrol for it.

Nethanna Ku Bima Scheme Overview

Scheme NameTelangana Nethanna Bima Scheme
Launch byThe Telangana Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister
GovernmentTelangana State Government
IndustryHandloom and textile Industry
Launch Date07-Aug-22
BeneficiariesOnly Handloom Weavers family members
BenefitRs 5 Lakh Insurance

Nethanna Bima Scheme in Telangana

Nethanna Ku Bima was published on August 7, 2022. Telangana Municipal Administration and Urban Development Minister launched the plans for this state. This initiative will begin on August 7 in honour of National Handloom Day and benefit handloom weavers. The government will cover the insurance premiums under this proposal. If the individual we were covering died due to an illness or accident while the insurance was active. The insurance would pay up to 5 lakh rupees to the nominee or family. Some insurance programs might take a long time for money to be sent to the nominee. However, under this arrangement, the nominee would receive Rs 5 lakh within 10 days after the beneficiary’s death.

The nodal agency’s Handloom and Textile Department is in charge of this initiative, and they will take care of everything. The government has put aside 50 crore rupees for this initiative, of which 25 crores, or 50%, have already been distributed. The state government will implement the Nethanna Bima plan, comparable to the Rythu Bhima scheme, as part of this. This will provide financial security to weavers’ families. So, Telangana is famed for handloom, and this insurance policy covers around 80,000 handloom workers.

The state government also assists handloom weavers through two more programs: Chenetha Mitra and Nethanna Ku Cheyutha. Under one strategy, the state government provides a 40% subsidy to handloom employees. Another proposal provides handloom employees with a 16 per cent financial help deposit as a state portion of the 8 per cent thrift savings paid by cooperative sector workers. These initiatives, however, can only assist Handloom Weavers who are engaged in them.

To instil trust among weavers, Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao chose to introduce Nethanna Ku Bima, which is on par with Rythu Bima. According to him, the insurance coverage program, which is being implemented in collaboration with LIC, would assist 80,000 handloom and power loom weavers in the state. He stated that in the event of a weaver’s natural or accidental death, Rs. 5 lakh will be put into the nominees’ accounts within 10 days.

Launch of the Nethanna Bima Scheme

The government has previously said that the Telangana Bima Scheme, or the scheme for weavers, will be implemented on handloom day. On August 7, 2022, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao introduced this plan. It was National Handlooms Day, and the Prime Minister greeted the weavers by announcing a welfare programme. According to the government, the insurance scheme has already helped 800,000 families harmed by previous weavers’ programs.

This scheme will provide river families with 5 lakh rupees in insurance coverage in the case of a beneficiary’s accidental death. During the inaugural ceremony, the prime minister stated that the Weavers would not have been able to profit from this program without the help of the central government. The Telangana government has collaborated with the LIC of India for the Nethana Bima plan as part of the effort.

The state government has partnered with the Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India for the ‘Nethanna Beema’ plan. The state department of handlooms and textiles has been appointed as the nodal agency for its implementation. The LIC implements the plan, and the recipients’ annual premiums are paid to the insurance firm on their behalf by the government.

Telangana Nethanna Bima Scheme Goals

The major goal of this initiative is for the state government to increase current insurance coverage for the state’s handloom weavers. The government works hard to enhance the lives of handloom weavers by implementing several programs. Since 2016, the government has granted Rs. 1200 crore per year to the handloom and textile industry.

Benefits of the Telangana Nethanna Bima Scheme

Among the several benefits provided by the Nethanna Ku Bima plan are:

  • This insurance system, known as the weaver’s scheme, protects every weaver between the ages of 18 and 59.
  • The sum of Rs. 500,000 is awarded retrospectively to the weaver’s family or the nominee of their choice under the rules of this arrangement.
  • The insurance policy proceeds are deposited ten days following the person’s death.
  • To ensure the success of this strategy, committees at the state and district levels will participate in and contribute to it.

Eligibility for the Scheme

  • The applicant must accept and adhere to the following conditions to be eligible for participation in the Nethanna Ku Bima Scheme:
    • To file an application, Telangana citizenship or residence is essential. If an applicant is from another state, they will be unable to engage in the plan since it is unavailable.
    • The candidate must have past experience as a Rythu Bima Insurance Scheme participant.
    • Adult weavers between 18 and 59 are the only qualified individuals to participate in this program.

Documents for the Telangana Nethanna Bima Scheme

The scheme’s required paperwork is as follows:

  • Aadhar card, cell phone number, and email address.
  • Telangana state identity card holder
  • Documentation duly submitted to the handloom and textile manufacturing department.

Registration for the Telangana Nethanna Bima Scheme

This plan was introduced on August 7, and all qualified individuals must apply through the official website. The official website has not yet been published, but it will be shortly, and we will keep you updated.