Current Affairs » Stubble Burning

Stubble Burning

Stubble Burning in Punjab

Why in the News?

The Air Quality of North India has deteriorated due to Stubble (parali) burning in Punjab.


Key Points:


Stubble Burning 

  • Stubble burning is a process of setting on fire the straw stubble, left after the harvesting of grains, like paddy, wheat, etc. 
  • It is usually required in areas that use the combined harvesting method which leaves crop residue behind.
  • It is practiced mainly in the Indo-Gangetic plains of Punjab, Haryana, and UP to clear the fields for rabi crop sowing.




  • Pollution: Stubble burning emits toxic pollutants in the atmosphere containing harmful gases like Carbon Monoxide and methane.
  • Soil fertility: Soil becomes less fertile and its nutrients are destroyed when the husk is burned on the ground.
  • Heat Penetration: Stubble burning generates heat that penetrates into the soil, causing an increase in erosion, and loss of useful microbes and moisture.


Measures to tackle Stubble Burning:

  • Happy Seeder: It is used for sowing the crop in standing stubble.
  • Rotavator: It is used for land preparation and incorporation of crop stubble in the soil.
  • Zero till seed drill: It is used for land preparations directly sowing seeds in the previous crop stubble.
  • Paddy Straw Chopper: It involves cutting paddy stubble for easy mixing with the soil.

Reaper Binder: It is used for harvesting paddy stubble and making it into bundles.