Current Affairs » Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav

Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav

The Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav, a nationwide voluntary blood donation effort, will be initiated by the Union Health Minister.

The Aarogya Setu app and the e-Raktkosh platform are now accepting registrations for the “Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav,” a massive nationwide blood donation drive scheduled to run from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s birthday on September 17 till October 1.

The first of October is recognised annually as National Blood Donor Day (NVBDD). According to an official source, the event’s goals include spreading awareness about the importance of regular unpaid voluntary blood donations and collecting close to one lakh units of blood from voluntary blood donors in a single day.

The source explained that the drive’s primary goal was to collect information on willing blood donors “so that anyone in need can get timely assistance and minimise the need for replacement blood donation.”

Key Takeaways

  • This year’s Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav will take place from September 17 to October 1. 
  • The Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav would have a special blood donation drive. 
  • The goal of the statewide initiative is to collect as much as 1 lakh units of blood from voluntary blood donors in a single day.
  • Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav’s mission is to educate the public about the value of regular, uncompensated blood donations.
  • The primary goal is to build a database of willing donors who can be contacted quickly in case of an emergency, reducing the demand for replacement blood donations. 
  • Every blood centre in the country is asked to host at least one blood donation camp as part of this initiative.

Highlights of the upcoming events

This event would engage all levels of government in India, including ministries, departments, state governments, the Union government, citizens (especially young people), and a wide range of NGOs and community groups, the source said. The states have been asked to notify all medical schools, hospitals, healthcare organisations, blood banks, and other interested parties about the initiative so everyone can become involved.

Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav’s mission is to educate the public about the value of regular, uncompensated blood donations.

The primary goal is to build a database of willing donors who can be contacted quickly in case of an emergency, reducing the demand for replacement blood donations.

The official further mentioned that beginning on September 17th. A live dashboard will be available on the e-RaktKosh website to monitor the total number of blood units collected and donated across the various states and UTs. 

Importance of donating blood

Patients who have become severely anaemic due to severe haematological diseases or treatments like cancer therapy, as well as those who have lost significant amounts of blood, can all benefit significantly from blood donations.

Therefore, the public’s access to blood is a significant issue. Providing lifesaving blood is one of the most meaningful things a person can do for his community. Although its significance is at its highest at every instant of human life, it is constantly overlooked owing to a lack of awareness and different gloomy beliefs obscuring the shining reality that it is a life-giving procedure to a person who is just ready to give up his struggle against death.

On what day Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav will be observed?

On Sept 17, the Raktdaan Amrit mahotsav will be marked to raise public awareness of donating blood. The government will organise the mega blood donation drive. It will be continued till 1st october 2022.

The reason behind Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav

The reason behind the Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav is India’s 75th independence day. The activity will collect one lakh units from blood donors per day. The Indian government has organised a festival called Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav to commemorate India’s 75th anniversary of independence and the country’s rich cultural heritage and impressive technological advancements

How can you participate in this cause?

The health ministry has reportedly started a massive media campaign to encourage people to sign up to donate blood on the Aarogya Setu App/e-Raktkosh site on September 17 to donate blood easily. 

According to the source, the e-RaktKosh online platform is where the data of those who registered for giving blood on the Aarogya Setu App will be made available to blood banks/organisations running the drive.

What is the e-Raktkosh platform?

The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare unveiled the e-Raktkosh platform in 2016. It’s an all-inclusive IT solution for streamlining blood banks’ workflows, policies, and procedures all over the country; in other words, it’s a centralised blood bank management system. The Union Health Minister has advocated for e-Raktkosh to be used across all states to track the availability of all blood types.

Who will inaugurate the event?

This year, from September 17th to October 1st, Raktdaan Amrit Mahotsav, a nationwide mega push for voluntary blood donation, will be launched by Union Health Minister Dr. Mansukh Mandaviya. A unique campaign is part of the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.

Aim of this mega event

The campaign aims to raise public consciousness about the importance of regular, uncompensated blood donations.

Additionally, it would guarantee the availability, ease of access, low cost, and safety of individual blood components, including packed red cells, plasma, and platelets.

The drive would do more than just increase blood bank capacity; it would also establish a national registry of blood donors.

In 2021, there were 1.25 crore units of blood available in India, even though 1.46 crore units were needed. The volume of blood in one unit is 350 ml.