Current Affairs » Queen Elizabeth’s Death | What happens NOW? | Impacts & Future

Queen Elizabeth’s Death | What happens NOW? | Impacts & Future

Queen Elizabeth II, the longest serving monarch of the U.K. has passed away at Balmoral. She was 96 years old. The announcement of her demise was made by Buckingham Palace. She was on the throne for 70 years. Balmoral Castle was her summer residence in Scotland. She was the only ruler who was known by most of the Britons, her name defines an era which was the Modern Elizabethan Era. Her family started gathering at her Scottish estate after receiving the news of her demise on Thursday.

The impact of her loss will be unpredictable but huge, for the nation and monarchy. She brought various social changes across the decades. After her death, her 73 years old son Charles will become the monarch. Queen’s life was marked by the war as she made her first public broadcast in the year 1940, at the age of 14 years only. She sent the wartime message to children to evacuate the overseas and countryside.

Because Queen Elizabeth died at the Balmoral, her body will be sent from her native location to Holyrood in Edinburg. For her, the coffin will be brought to the castle’s throne room place, where it will be seen by the royal family members. This coffin will be then brought to the St. Giles Cathedral in Edinburgh for other services before being transferred to the London. Charles will be arriving at Holyrood the very next day. 

Queen Elizabeth’s funeral will be taking place after 10 days after her death. During this time duration, the queen’s body will most likely lie in the state and the Britons and other people will have the chance to come and pay tribute or respect to her. 

Early Life of Queen Elizabeth II

  • Elizabeth was the elder daughter of Prince Albert. He was the duke of York. Lady Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon was the mother of Elizabeth II.
  • Her education was taken care of 1by her mother. Who entitled her daughters to Marion Crawford, a governess. She was also grounded in the History subject by CHK Marten.
  • At the time of World War II, she spent most of her time away from London biltz with her sister Princess Margaret Rose. She was staying away with her parents and living in Balmoral Castle of Scotland and at Royal Lodge. Windsor.
  • In 1947, Elizabeth went with the king & queen to South Africa.
  • After her return, her parents announced her betrothal to her distant cousin Lieutenant Philip Mountbatten. Their marriage took place on November 20, 1947, at Westminster Abbey.
  • Clearance House London became their residential place.
  • Prince Charles was their first child, who was born at Buckingham Palace on November 14, 1948.

Who Is Next In Line For The British Throne?

Prince Charles, the eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II will be the first one in line to the British throne. As per the British Monarchy rules,” a new sovereign succeeds to the throne as soon as the predecessor dies”. So as per this rule, after her death, Prince Charles will become the king at Balmoral Castle of Scotland. However, the process for the formal coronation will take longer than a month.

Queen Elizabeth II & Operation London Bridge

This operation is also known as the phrase of the London Bridge is Down. It is the funeral plan for Queen Elizabeth II. This includes the announcement of Queen Elizabeth’s death, her official mourning and the details of her state funeral. Although the London Bridge plan was created in the 1980s and revised a lot more times before her death.

“London bridge is down” is the phrase which would be used to announce the queen’s death to the UK’s prime minister and key personnel. There is also an additional plan which is known as operation Unicron. This operation will explain what would happen if the queen were to die in Scotland only. The accession of King Charles III to the throne will come under Operation Spring Tide. To react to the Queen’s death, several Commonwealth realms have developed their own plans for it.

Complete Life Events of Queen Elizabeth II

1930s Era 

  • Elizabeth’s sister, Princess Margaret Rose, was born on 21st August 1930.
  • George V dies and Edward VIII becomes king on 20th January 1936.
  • Bertie, the Duke of York, is formally proclaimed King George VI. Princess Elizabeth is now heiress presumptive on 11th December 1936.

1937s Era 

  • Coronation of George VI at Westminster Abbey.on 12th May 1937
  • Elizabeth celebrates her 13th birthday and begins a course of study at home under the vice-provost of Eton College on 21st April 1939.
  • Princess Elizabeth meets Cptain Phillip of Greece at the Royal Dartmouth naval college on 22 July 1939.

1940s Era

  • The blitz on London begins, while the King & Queen in the city, Margaret & Elizabeth are evacuated to Windsor on 7th September 1940.
  • Elizabeth made her first broadcast to the nation on 13th October 1940
  • She carried out her first public engagement on 16th birthday when she inspect the Grenadier Guards, of which she had been served as colonel-in-chief.
  • On 4th March 1945 she joined the Auxiliary Territorial Service, she learnt how to drive and maintain vehicles.
  • She married at Westminister Abbey on 20th November 1947

1950s – 60s Era

  • Her father, George VI dies and she succeeded to the throne on 6th February 1952.
  • Coronation of Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey in the 1st televised coronation service on 2nd June 1953.
  • The Queen visited the New York and addresses the UN general assembly on 21st October 1957.
  • She visited West Germany. She became the 1st British monarch to do since the world war one took place – May 1965
  • First Broadcast of the Royal Family was aired on 21st June 1969

1970s – 90s Era

  • She opened Jørn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House in Australia on 20th October 1973.
  • On June 7th, 1977, Queen’s silver jubilee was marked. More than the millions of people make a line on the London’s street.
  • Queen gave the speech at Guildhall to mark the 40th anniversary of her accession. The ceremony took place on 24th November 1992
  • Buckingham Palace was opened on April 1993 for the general public for the very 1st time to raise money for Windsor castle
  • She opened the national assembly in Wales on 26th May 1999.
  • Scottish parliament was opened by queen on 1st July 1999.

2000 – 2010s

  • Queen’s mother died on March 30, 2002
  • Queen Elizabeth launched her golden jubilee celebration with the proper speech for both parliament houses on 30th April 2002
  • Queen celebrated her 80th birthday on 21st April 2006
  • On 19th November 2007, Duke and Queen Elizabeth marked their 60th wedding anniversary.
  • She surpassed Victoria and became the UKs oldest reigning monarch on 22 December 2007
  • She visited Ireland and became the 1st British monarch to do so since its independence in 1921 on 17-20th May 2011
  • During 2nd-5th June 2012 an event took place throughout the country to celebrate her diamond jubilee. A pageant was held of 670 boats sailing along the river Thames.


  • On 19th March 1920, Queen and Phillip moved to Windsor and stayed there as the precautions against the coronavirus
  • On April 9th, 2021, Prince Phillip died peacefully before his 100th birthday.He was the longest serving royal consort in world History.
  • During June 2-5, 2022, she celebrated her platinum jubilee by completing 70 years on the throne.
  • On September 6, 2022 she appointed the 15th prime minister of her reign, Liz Truss, at Balmoral Castle. 

Some Interesting Facts About Queen Elizabeth II

  • Queen Elizabeth took over the throne at the age of 25 years old when her father died at the age of 56 years. King George VI died due to a lung operation.
  • Queen Elizabeth II was the only person in Britain who never required a passport for any international travel and she didn’t have to get a driver’s license too.
  • She travelled to more than 120 countries over 6 continents. She was the most travelled monarch in world history.
  • Prince Phillip and Queen Elizabeth were distant cousins.
  • Elizabeth wanted to contribute to the war effort so she enlisted in the British Army’s women’s division during World War II. Queen Elizabeth was the first woman in the royal family to serve the military on an active full-time basis.
  • Queen Elizabeth also received military truck driver training and mechanic before getting the position of Junior Commander.
  • She was the queen but still paying the taxes since 1992. Her Windsor Castle was destroyed by fire in the year 1992 and the public revolted against paying the million pounds for repair. She agreed to pay the tax of her personal income to manage the cost of 70% for the restoration of the palace and also opened her castle to the public to obtain additional funds.
  • She had 2 birthdays. Her actual birthday was the 21st of April while the other was in June.
  • She had to return the donations from all UK women after buying the material for her wedding dress with ration coupons.
  • She learnt to shoot a gun with Winston Churchill’s Tommy Gun. At that time she was only 14 years old and she got this training to fight with Nazis.
  • Queen Elizabeth sent the 1st royal email 42 years ago. Her email address was HME2 which stands for Her Majesty Elizabeth II. In 2019, she also made her 1st Instagram post under the Instagram handle which is called “The Royal Family”.
  • 15 Prime Ministers of the UK served the queen which includes great names such as Margaret Thatcher, Winston Churchill and Harold Macmillan.