Current Affairs » Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOS)

Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOS)

This comes after the Wholesale Price Index-based fodder inflation soared to a nine-year high of 25.5 per cent in August 2022.

Why in the News?

Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has designated the National Dairy Development Board (NDDB) as the implementing agency, setting a target of 100 such FPOs in 2022-23.

Key Points:

About FPOs:

  • It is one type of Producer Organisation (PO) where the members are farmers. 
    • Small Farmers’ Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC) is providing support for the promotion of FPOs. 
    • PO is a generic name for an organization of producers of any produce, e.g., agricultural, non-farm products, artisan products, etc. 
  • Aim: 
    • To increase the income for the producers as a small producer does not have the volume to take advantage of economies of scale. 
    • Thus, FPOs boost farmers’ competitiveness.

Benefits of FPOs

  • The average landholding size is shrinking.: The FPOs can engage farmers in addressing productivity issues, collective farming, and emanating from small farm sizes. 
  • Additional Employment Generation: It may also result in additional employment generation because of the increased intensity of farming.
  • Dealing with Corporations: It allows farmer members to negotiate as a group and help small farmers in both output and input markets.
  • Quality and low-cost inputs to member farmers: It can provide quality and low-cost inputs to member farmers such as the purchase of machinery, loans for crops, and input agri-inputs (pesticides, fertilisers, etc.).
    • It will enable members to save time, distress sales, transaction costs, price fluctuations, quality maintenance, transportation, etc.

About National Dairy Development Board (NDDB):

  • It is a statutory body, founded by Dr. Verghese Kurien in 1965.
  • Ministry: Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry, and Dairying
  • NDDB implements National Dairy Plan (NDP) as a central sector scheme.
  • It aims to promote, finance, and support producer-owned and controlled organisations.