Current Affairs » Emit Mission: NASA

Emit Mission: NASA

It is originally designed to examine how dust impacts climate.

Why in the News?

Recently, NASA spots 50 methane super-emitters on Earth. Most of these sites have ties with agriculture and fossil fuel industries.

Key Points:

  • Scientists have identified more than 50 “super-emitters” of heat-trapping methane gas in central Asia, western Asia, and the southwestern United States.
  • Reining methane emissions is key to limiting global warming.

About EMIT:

  • Earth Surface Mineral Dust Source Investigation instrument, often known as EMIT, is the instrument made by NASA.
  • It is originally designed to examine how dust impacts climate.
  • EMIT was installed on the International Space Station in July 2022.
  • Since then, It has been mapping the chemical composition of dust throughout the Earth’s deserts
  • EMIT is proving to be a critical tool in our toolbox to measure this potent greenhouse gas.