Current Affairs » Article 4 of NATO

Article 4 of NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation came into being after World War II.

Why in the News?

After reports of a missile strike in Poland, there had been speculation the Polish government might invoke Article 4 of the NATO treaty.

Key Points:

What is the provision of Article 4 of NATO?

  • Article 4 of the treaty mandates that the member nations consult each other when faced with a threat.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

  • It is a military alliance that came into existence through the North Atlantic Treaty (also called the Washington Treaty) in 1949.
  • Purpose: To guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.
  • Headquarters: Brussels, Belgium.
  • It aimed to provide collective security against the Soviet Union. Members of NATO are committed to mutual defense in response to an attack by any external party. 
    • The principle of collective defense is enshrined in Article 5 of the Washington Treaty
  • Strength: 29 (As of 2019)
  • It was the US’s first peacetime military alliance outside the western hemisphere.

News Source: The Indian Express