Current Affairs » 15 September – International Day of Democracy 2022

15 September – International Day of Democracy 2022

Each year on September 15, individuals worldwide commemorate International Day of Democracy to understand the importance of democracy and promote awareness of their civil liberties. The International Day of Democracy is celebrated yearly with a specific theme. Freedom Day promotes the belief that only through the help of the global community, governing institutions, society organisations, and people could the ideal of democracy be realised as a reality to be experienced by everybody, anywhere.

Key takeaways

  • Greece’s Athens is regarded as the birthplace of democracy.
  • Individuals need to understand that a democracy is always willing to change. The wider public has the power to alter any political decisions with which they disapprove.
  • Bhutan is regarded as the world’s most contemporary democracy.
  • Individuals should be treated similarly in any democracy, regardless of age, gender, sexuality, or social standing. Equality is the foundation of democracy.
  • People can fight for their fundamental rights thanks to democracy and free democracy.

History of the International Day of Democracy

The UNSC declared in 2007, the Worldwide Day of Democracy, by a resolution. The IPU (Inter-Parliamentary Union) claims the idea was first implemented in 1988. The values of democratisation were underlined in a Universal Declaration on Democracy that the IPU accepted later that year.

A settlement titled “Support by the United Nations of efforts of Governments to encourage and centralise new or regained democracies” was adopted on Nov 8, 2007, following the decision to reinstate the fundamentals of democracy made at the 6th meeting of the ICNRD (International Conferences on the New and Restored Democracies) later in 2006.

Importance of International Day of Democracy

Along with highlighting the value of democracy, the day strives to inspire governments worldwide to enhance their democratic systems and uphold citizens’ rights even more. Additionally, the Worldwide Day of Democracy plays a significant role in emphasising the contribution that legislatures and electoral bodies make to advancing freedom, progress, and civil dignity.

The IPU website states, “We welcome all Member Regional assemblies to observe the day with celebrations and events. International Day of Democracy: Theme

Even though the United States chooses the subject for the day each year, it always keeps the focus narrow. The organisation has not yet announced the topic for this year. While this was going on, previous themes emphasised the need for more robust democracies, the value of democracy, elevating the opinions of communities, inclusive discussion, responsibility, and ideological tolerance.

On what day is International Day of Democracy observed?

Each year on September 15, the International Day of Democracy is marked to raise public awareness of rights and liberties and the steps taken by the government’s temperaments to defend them.

The theme for the 2022 International Day of Democracy

The significance of free expression to democracy, security, and accomplishing the Sustainable Development Objectives is the focus of this year’s International Day of Democracy.

What has the International Day of Democracy's history been?

The UN General Assembly enacted a Cross Union to mark Freedom Day in 2007, when the International Day of Democracy began. Since then, the International Day of Democracy has been established by upwards of 46 parliaments and nations. On September 15, 2008, the first Global Day of Democracy was commemorated.

For democracy, preserving press freedom.

Although the COVID-19 dilemma has caused significant problems worldwide, the recent upheaval in Europe is serving as a warning that our democratic principles are continually in threat. Indeed, more than ever, democracy is reverting, the civic area is shrinking, and mistrust, disinformation, and threats to the independence of journalists and other media professionals are proliferating.

This year’s Freedom Day theme is the value of press freedom for democratic governance, global peace, and attaining the Goals for Sustainable Development.

A crucial component of democracies is the existence of free, autonomous, and diverse media that can enlighten the public on issues of public interest. The people can use it to hold governments to account and make informed decisions. The free information flow can be impeded, skewed, or even stopped when press liberties are threatened. There are more limitations on journalists’ freedom of speech worldwide, negatively impacting development, democracy, and civil rights.

Since its inception ten years ago, the International Day of Democracy has been observed annually. It is a General Assembly (UN) day of commemoration. The day’s goals are to examine the state of democracy worldwide, maintain democratic values, and spread democracy.

2022 Event

This year, the UN Office for Partnerships and the UN Democracy Fund will organise a conversation in the SDG studio as a component of the SDG Forum series to commemorate International Democracy Day. The discussion will demonstrate why maintaining press freedom is essential to a strong democracy. Additionally, it will discuss ideas for achieving SDG 16: Security, Equality, and Healthy Organisations. You can support our effort by spreading the word about the conference on Sept 15 and encouraging the safeguarding of media independence worldwide.