Current Affairs » 10th IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission Meeting

10th IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission Meeting

The 10th Multilateral Cabinet Council of the India-Brazil-South African Discussion Board convened yesterday in New York. Dr. S. Jaishankar, the ambassador of external affairs, presided over the meeting. The summit also included Dr. Joe Phaahla, South Africa’s minister of health, and Carlos Alberto Franco França, Brazil’s minister of international affairs. The IBSA collaboration was covered in detail by the Ministers. They discussed topics of shared interest, such as the fight against terrorism, South-South cooperation, UNSC reform, the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, and funding for humanitarian programs. Global concerns like the African Union, the Middle Eastern peace process, and the crisis in Ukraine were also discussed.

Key Takeaways

  • The India-Brazil-South Africa Discussion Forums (10th) Trilateral Ministerial Commission meeting was held.
  • They reaffirmed their support for the Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Changaboutto climate change.
  • They urged developed countries to maintain their ODA obligations ultimately and to give new and additional financing and the resources needed to achieve the SDGs in the statement.

Emphasisation from IBSA Ministers

The IBSA Ministers also emphasised that while reforming the entire UN system remained a crucial international undertaking, reforming the Security Council, the main body charged with maintaining international peace and security, should continue to be an urgent and top priority, particularly given that reform of this organ has proven to be difficult, according to the statement. 

To create a representative, inclusive, equitable, responsive, and effective UN Security Council that is reflective of modern global realities, the ministers reaffirmed their commitment to working for the expansion of Security Council affiliation to include representation from emerging and developing nations of Asia, Latin America, and Africa in both the lasting and non-permanent categories.

They reaffirmed their support for the Paris Agreement, Kyoto Protocol, and United Un Framework Convention on Climate Change regarding climate change. They emphasised the necessity of strengthening the means of implementation and reviving the Integrated for Sustainable Development and the significance of fully implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. 

They emphasised the necessity of strengthening the means of implementation and reviving the Global Partnership for Sustainability and the significance of fully implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The statement encouraged developed nations to fully uphold their ODA obligations and provide fresh and extra funding and the tools necessary to fulfil the SDGs. They also called for improved international preparedness to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and other current and upcoming health challenges, including through the mobilisation of political and popular support.

IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission Meeting

Ahead of the BRICS Foreign Ministers meeting, which will also include them in addition to Russia and China, India, Brazil, and South Africa have reiterated their call for an immediate end to hostilities and the pursuit of diplomatic solutions to the ongoing conflict and humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine. 

The 10th India-Brazil-South Africa Trilateral Council of ministers Commission Meeting was hosted by External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar on Wednesday in New York alongside the Minister of Health of the Republic of South Africa, Dr. Joe Phaahla, and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Brazil, Carlos Alberto Franco Franca.

Alongside the UNGA on Thursday, the foreign ministers of the BRICS countries will meet to discuss, among other things, the global food, and energy crisis. On the fringes of the BRICS meeting, it is unclear if Jaishankar and Wang Yi would have a private conversation. “The escalating violence and humanitarian disaster in Ukraine deeply concerned the ministers. 

They reaffirmed the importance of pursuing diplomacy and dialogue and the immediate suspension of hostilities. According to a joint statement released following the 10th IBSA Trilateral Ministerial Commission Meeting, they emphasised that the current international order is based on international law, the UN Charter, and states’ sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Ministers also expressed their regret for the ongoing terrorist assaults around the globe. They denounced terrorism in all of its expressions and forms, no matter where it is perpetrated or who is responsible. They agreed that fighting terrorism and eliminating terrorist safe havens must be the world’s top priority. They reiterated their commitment to the battle against terrorism and their unity. 

They urged the international community to create a truly expansive international neutral framework in conformity with international law’s guiding principles and to support the United Nations’ fundamental position as the coordinator of such cooperation. They recalled that it is the duty of all States to prevent and combat terrorism, including the movement of terrorists across borders, the funding of terrorist organizations, and terrorist acts perpetrated on their soil.

Minister S Jaishankar’s Message

External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar expressed his concerns to his British colleagues, James Cleverly, on the safety and well-being of the Indian community in the UK in light of recent assaults on the community in Leicester. We had a pleasant conversation with James Cleverly, the UK ambassador to the UN. Roadmap 2030 has been brought up for consideration. 

Jaishankar expressed his admiration for the man’s commitment to improving their connection in a statement on Wednesday. He asserted that they also spoke about international problems, like the India strategy, the Ukrainian situation, and UNSC concerns. “Stranded in support of my worries for the security and well-being of the Indian community in the UK. In that sense, I valued his guarantees, Jaishankar continued.

The Indian U.S. Embassy in the UK announced on Monday that it had “seriously” taken up the issue and sought safety for individuals affected following reports of clashes over the weekends, which Leicestershire police described as causing “significant disruption.” “We strongly condemn the violence done against the Indian community in Loughborough and the vandalism of places of worship and Hindu symbols,” the High Commission said in a statement.