The Variational Principle

In this article we will know about The Variational Principle, variational principle is the basis for variational principle example, variational principle proof and more.

According to the variational principle, the Rayleigh quotient will never be lower than the energy of the ground state. The assertion that the function has its minimum at the ground state energy is the mathematical formulation of the variational principle because the Rayleigh quotient assumes the value of the ground state energy when is the ground state.

The Variational Principle

  1. The average energy seen for a system in each quantum state must be at least as great as the lowest energy state (ground state) of the system, according to the variational principle, which is the mathematical formulation of the physically logical assertion. Despite appearing straightforward, this principle is incredibly potent and serves as the foundation for the great majority of complex quantum calculations being performed in the field today.
  2. A variational principle is one that makes it possible to solve a problem using the calculus of variations. This problem involves finding functions that optimise the values of quantities that depend on those functions. For instance, variational calculus can be used to determine the shape of a hanging chain strung at both ends, called a catenary. In this situation, the variational principle is as follows: A function that reduces the chain’s gravitational potential energy serves as the answer. A self-adjoint operator is described by any physical law that may be stated as a variational principle. [Needs verification] These idioms are also known as Hermitian. A Hermitian transformation’s invariant is described by such an equation.
  3. Variational concepts are a central theme in my own study and play a crucial role in a lot of mathematical physics. There is a lot to discuss, so let’s start with a little narrative.

An injured cow and the laws of physics

A farmer discovered one of his cows had fractured its leg in the field early one hot summer morning. Unfortunately, the animal would be unable to move for a considerable amount of time. The farmer had to carry the cow water from the creek that bordered the field to make sure it wouldn’t become dehydrated. The farmer considered the best approach to take while he went to get a bucket. What is the quickest route he may use to get to the cow after stopping at the stream?

It should be fairly clear that the farmer should follow a straight path to the river before continuing on in a similar manner to reach the cow. A straight line is the shortest distance between two locations, as we all taught in school. However, combining two straight lines into a useful path can still be done in a variety of ways. To cut the path as short as possible, where on the river bank should the farmer go?

You might be able to determine that both lines should form the same angle with the river bank after briefly experimenting with various scenarios. All that is required to find the shortest path is the straightforward requirement that two angles be equal.

It’s awful when a cow breaks a leg, but it could have been worse. The cow might have gotten into the river if it had. With one leg shattered, it won’t be able to return to dry land. The farmer would have to wade into the river to save the clumsy animal because the river is fortunately not too deep.

What is the quickest route for the farmer to get to the cow right now? It is safe to suppose that the farmer can sprint through the field faster than he can wade through the creek, even though the quickest route would be a straight line. Therefore, if a shorter portion of the walkway is in the water, it is worthwhile to take the longer route.

Variational challenges are exemplified by the issues our farmer is dealing with. We aim to reduce some quantity (distance or time travelled in these examples). If the best solution has been determined, then any tiny deviation from it will be slightly worse. This provides a preliminary justification for the name variational issue.


A variational principle is one that enables the use of the calculus of variations to solve a problem. Finding functions that optimise the values of quantities that depend on those functions is the goal of this problem. For example, variational calculus can be used to determine the shape of a catenary, which is a hanging chain that is strung at both ends. The variational principle in this instance is as follows: The solution is a function that decreases the gravitational potential energy of the chain. Any physical law that may be represented as a variational principle describes a self-adjoint operator.


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