Organic Transformations

Get to know all about organic chemistry. Explore inorganic, organic compound examples and functional group organic chemistry

About: Organic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry is the study of the properties,  composition, outcomes, and practice of carbon compounds. Almost all the organic compounds are having carbon and hydrogen in them along with some other elements like oxygen, phosphorus, etc with a little amount. Earlier, organic chemistry was used on those compounds which are produced or related to living beings. But now the study has been made broad which includes other substances other than the products of living organisms. This study is highly flexible and creative in nature which allows the person to produce and investigate any compounds. Now organic chemistry researches more about the compounds which are human-made rather than the natural already existing compounds. Let’s discuss more organic chemistry below. 

Functional group organic chemistry 

In organic chemistry, functional groups are the particular groups of atoms in a compound which is important for the characteristics reaction of that specific compound. The compounds under a specific group will react in the same way as the others in that group. Functional groups are important in the study of organic compounds because when we mix up the names of groups as per the names of alkanes it results in different compounds. 

Functional groups are considered as the majority part which is the most reactive which shows the properties of compounds. These groups are groups of atoms that are related to some specific molecules or compounds. These groups of tons are responsible for the chemical reaction with other compounds in organic chemistry. Chemical reactions can take place when they are in the same functional group even if they both have different sizes or properties. If a molecule is in a functional group with another, then it’s properties and reactions can be easily predicted in a systematic manner. Under functional groups organic chemistry, the chemical reactions, and properties of any specific compound can be modified by indulging it with another functional group. So functional groups are parts of molecules that have their own chemical reaction and properties anonymous of the molecule they are attached with. 

The atoms under the functional group are interrelated with each other with the help of covalent bonds. It means covalent bonds are responsible for linking the atoms of a particular functional group as a molecule. Under this, the very first cat in a compound is called alpha carbon which is attached to the functional group. Functional groups can be named in accordance with the carbon atoms present in them. Similarly when the functional group is attached with a nonpolar carbon atom in a repeating series Imbuing the chain with some chemical characteristics then it is called polymers. 

  • Inorganic Compounds

Inorganic compounds in chemistry means any chemical compound which doesn’t have carbon and hydrogen bonds. Inorganic compounds are the substances that are made up of two or more elements having a chemical bond. Most of the inorganic compounds don’t have any atoms in them. The main reason why they are called inorganic is that they don’t have any oxygen and hydrogen products in them unlike the organic compounds

Along with that they do not have the carbon hydrogen bond in them. They are mainly found in non living things like carbon monoxide, carbides, cyanates are made up of an element only. They are a good conductor of heat and electricity mainly under water soluble solutions. Also they have low boiling and melting points and can react with a high area with any other compounds. 

Most of the inorganic compounds found are ionic in nature which shows that the bonds they have are ionic. Ionic bond means a bond that allows a complete transfer of electrons between atoms. Since inorganic compounds have ionic bonds between them, they can be of three types, acid, base, and salt. An example of inorganic compounds can be water which involves two hydrogen and one oxygen atoms and not an ionic compound. 

Organic Compounds Examples

An organic compound in organic chemistry can be defined as a molecule containing covalently bonded hydrogen and carbon atoms in it. These compounds can be made artificially or can be extracted in natural forms. They can be solid, liquid or gas.  Keys discuss them with the help of some examples. 

  • Lipids, is an organic compound example which are mainly made up of hydrocarbons. 
  • Nucleotides, which mainly contain nitrogen, ribose. It involves adenosine  triphosphate.  
  • Carbohydrates, which involves monosaccharides, polysaccharides, and disaccharides. 
  • Proteins, which can be found in humans or any living body. They are molecules of amino acid with peptide bonds. 

These were some of the organic compounds examples,  but you can find organic compounds everywhere in this world. The organic chemistry study involves millions of organic compounds and a lot more is undiscovered.


Above we have discussed organic chemistry. The guide involves a brief discussion about inorganic compounds, functional group organic chemistry, and organic compounds examples


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What is an organic compound?

Ans: An organic compound in organic chemistry ...Read full

What are the examples of organic compounds?

Ans: Some of the organic compounds examples are carbohydrates, nucleic acid, protein, lipids.