Adaptive and innate immune systems refer to the capability of the body to recognise and destroy cancer-developing cells resulting in improved immunity.

The immunity system refers to the capability of the body to resist the penetration of harmful microorganisms. It includes several stages of the immune system like Adaptive and innate immune systems. Both immune systems are crucially important for fighting the cancer cells of the body. Gamma delta T and natural killer cells of the body are efficient group cells that help in the recognition and destruction of the tumour cells in the body. Innate immunity is associated with immediate prevention of the spread of the pathogen within the body while defence mechanism against pathogen is termed as adaptive immune response.

Immunity: Analysis 

 The term immunity refers to the potentiality of the body in fighting against the disease-curating organism in the body. It is crucial to have a good immunity system as it protects our body from entering of destructive viruses, bacteria, parasites and other microorganisms. In cancer, a weak immunity can cause frequent illness in an individual while on the other has a good gut and immunity can aid an individual to overcome any health hazards easily. In order to protect the biological system, it is crucial to improve the immunity system through regular consumption of vegetables, fruit, and other dietary fibre foods.

Innate Immunity: Overview

The innate immunity system is coined as the defensive mechanism an individual is born with. It aids the body in protecting from the harmful antigens. A patient having cancer, this immunity system acts as a barrier and prevents viruses, fungus, and bacteria from entering into the biological system. Primarily there are 4 types of innate immune systems that include cellular, physiological, cytokine and physical. All of the immune systems are important as it helps the body to fight against the pathogen and microbial organisation. Innate immunity can be improved by incorporating exercise, monitoring of the stress factor, healthy food consumption and following basic hygiene. 

Adaptive Immunity: Overview

Adaptive immunity is referred to as the acquired immune system which is composed of the specialised systematic cells that are involved with elimination of viruses and pathogens of the cancer patient’s body and aids in the prevention of the growth of them within the body. This immunity is one of the two prior strategies of immunity in vertebrates that assist the body in killing the cancer cells. It involves external factors like vaccines to help boost one’s immunity system. Among cancer patients, it takes 1-2 weeks to notice the visual effects of the adaptive system in the body. 

Innate and Adaptive Immunity: Discussion 

The basic difference between adaptive and innate immunity systems lies in the fact that one immunity is acquired through external help while on the other hand, innate immunity is the one an individual is born with. The innate immune system can be achieved in cancer patients by introducing a healthy lifestyle system whereas adaptive immunity includes the incorporation of vaccines to aid the body for better functioning of the organs. It is guaranteed that having either one or both immunity systems in cancer patients’ bodies can help analyse the signs of a strong immunity system. 

Molecular mechanism of innate and adaptive immunity 

The molecular mechanism of adaptive and innate immunity formulates the pathway of activation complemented by three different ways that incorporate the classical pathway, lectin pathway and alternative pathway. In each of these pathways of activation, it plays a vital role in the biological system of an individual. In these pathways, the former is a dependent antibody while the latter two are independent antibodies. On the counterpart, the final result contributes to the activation of C3 and generation of C5 convertase.


In context to the study, it highlights what is immunity, innate immunity and adaptive immunity. It also provides a wide glimpse of how to acquire the immunities and help the body for better functioning of the biological system in cancer patients.  It also provides a wide glimpse of how the Natural killer cells and Gamma delta T of the body aids in recognizing and destroying the harmful microorganisms in the body. The molecular formulation of both the immune systems is also discussed throughout the study. It is crucial to take into account the immune health of an individual to protect the body from harmful pathogens.