
Types of Organic Chemistry

A carbohydrate is a naturally occurring substance, or a derivative there of, having the general chemical formula Cx(H2O)y, composed of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) molecules (O).


All carbohydrates are polyhydroxy aldehydes or ketones, or molecules that can be broken down to generate such compounds, and include carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms. Starch, fiber, sweet-tasting molecules called sugars, and structural components like cellulose are all examples of carbohydrates. Many of these molecules’ molecular formulae were misinterpreted, giving rise to the word carbohydrate. Glucose, for example, was long assumed to be a “carbohydrate” with the structure C6H2O because of its formula C6H12O6.

Green plants can use solar energy to synthesize glucose (C6H12O6) from carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) in a process called photosynthesis:

6CO2 + 6H2O + 686 kcal  = C6H12O6 + 6O2 

(Solar energy provides 686 kcal.) Plants can use glucose as an energy source or convert it to bigger carbohydrates like starch or cellulose. Starch stores energy for later use, such as as seed nutrition, whereas cellulose is the structural material of plants. We can collect and eat plant parts that store energy, such as seeds, roots, tubers, and fruits, and then use some of that energy ourselves. Carbohydrates are also required for the production of nucleic acids, proteins, and lipids.

Animals, including humans, are unable to produce carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water and must rely on the plant world for these essential nutrients. Carbohydrates are used for clothing (cotton, linen, rayon), shelter (wood), fuel (wood), and paper, in addition to food (60–65 percent by mass of the usual diet) (wood).

Monosaccharides are the simplest carbohydrates that cannot be degraded to form further smaller carbs. Two or more monosaccharides can join together to produce chains with anywhere from two to thousands of monosaccharide molecules. The number of such units in the chains is indicated by prefixes. Two monosaccharide units are found in disaccharide molecules, three in trisaccharide molecules, and so on. Polysaccharides are chains made up of numerous monosaccharide units linked together. All of these so-called higher saccharides can be degraded to their monosaccharide constituents.

Definition of Lipids

“Lipids are organic molecules with hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms that provide the foundation for the structure and function of living cells.”

What exactly are lipids?

Because water is a polar molecule, these organic compounds are nonpolar molecules that are only soluble in nonpolar solvents and insoluble in water. These molecules are produced in the human liver and can be found in oil, butter, whole milk, cheese, fried foods, and some red meats.

Let us examine the structure, properties, kinds, and classification of lipids in further detail

Characteristics of Lipids’ 

Lipids are an organic chemical family made up of fats and oils. These molecules have a lot of energy and are involved in a variety of actions in the human body. Some key features of lipids are listed below.

1.Lipids are nonpolar oily or greasy molecules that are stored in the body’s adipose tissue.

2.Lipids are a diverse collection of chemicals that are primarily made up of hydrocarbon chains.

3.Lipids are organic compounds that are high in energy and supply energy for several living processes.

4.Lipids are a family of chemicals distinguished by their insolubility in water and solubility in nonpolar solvents.

5.Lipids are important in biological systems because they constitute the cell membrane, a mechanical barrier that separates a cell from its surroundings.

Nucleic Acids: What Are They?

Nucleic acids are long-chain polymeric polymers whose monomer (repeating unit) is called nucleotides; thus, nucleic acids are frequently referred to as polynucleotides.

Nucleic acids are divided into two types: deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA). The inheritance and transmission of specific features from one generation to the next is controlled by DNA and RNA. We are most familiar with two types of nucleic acids.

Vitamins – Classification and Functions Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA

Deoxyribonucleic Acid 

DNA is made up of a pentose sugar, phosphoric acid, and certain nitrogen-containing cyclic bases. -D-2-deoxyribose is the sugar moiety found in DNA molecules. Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) are nitrogen-containing cyclic bases (T). These bases, as well as their arrangement in DNA molecules, play a key role in the transmission of information from one generation to the next. The strands of DNA are complementary to each other and form a double-strand helical shape.

Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)

Phosphoric acid, a pentose sugar, and nitrogen-containing cyclic bases make up the RNA molecule. The sugar moiety of RNA is called -D-ribose. Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and uracil (U) are the heterocyclic bases found in RNA (U). The fourth base in RNA differs from the fourth base in DNA. The RNA molecule is made up of a single strand that folds back on itself to form a double helix structure. There are three different types of RNA molecules, each with its own function:

1.RNA messenger (m-RNA)

2.RNA form ribosomes (r-RNA)

3.RNA transfer (t-RNA)


We conclude that Nucleic acid isolation from many types of human cells or freely circulating NA may be required. When it comes to pathogens, viruses, bacteria, protozoans, and fungi must all be taken into account.

Carbohydrates are a chemically defined collection of molecules that have a variety of physical and physiological features, as well as health benefits for consumers. Their primary function is to supply energy, but they also contribute to the structure and function of cells, tissues, and organs.


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