CSIR NET EXAM » CSIR UGC-NET Exam Notifications » CSIR UGC Score Calculation

CSIR UGC Score Calculation

Find out how marks will be compiled for the CSIR exam 2022.

The NTA or National Testing Agency has conducted the CSIR NET 2022 exam on January 29, February 15, 16, and 17, 2022 in the online mode. The exam included questions from four subjects namely Physical Sciences, Chemical Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, and Life Sciences. All the subjects had different sets of question papers. The cut-offs will depend on the normalisation of scores and using the process of normalisation, the CSIR NET 2022 results will be created. 

Process of Marks Compilation

According to the official bulletin, the scores of the candidate will be measured on the basis of his/her corresponding shift. The marks for every accurate answer will be rewarded to candidates as per the CSIR NET answer key. These scores will be raw and then converted into the NTA score or percentile. Such scores will be collected for the final merit list. 

Normalisation’s impact on the CSIR NET cut-off: If a paper is administered in more than one shift, the least percentile score will be used as the total CSIR NET cut-off. Consider the following scenario: assume the eligibility test for one topic is done in two shifts. In one shift, 40% of the marks belong to the 78th percentile, whereas in shift two, it belongs to the 79th percentile, the cut-off percentile for this discipline will be 78.

Normalisation Process for NTA Scores

The CSIR NET 2022 test is comprised of several questions with varying levels of difficulty and types of questions. Candidates who tried the more difficult set are almost always going to score lower. As a result, NTA will use “percentile equivalence” to normalise the data among sections.

To eliminate the ties, the percentage score of each applicant will be computed up to 7 decimal places in this equivalency procedure. The following is the formula for calculating percentile-

100 x Number of applicants who showed up in the activity with a raw score of equal to or greater than the candidate/ Total applicants who showed up in the session

Candidates should refer to annexure XVII of the information bulletin for a full list of calculation examples.