Seating arrangement

Seating arrangement questions in logical reasoning are those that give you a set of clues and ask you to deduce information from them. Let us see some examples here.

When it comes to maximizing your brain’s potential, the seating arrangement is key. In every competitive exam, we see some logical reasoning questions. These questions aim to trigger your brain’s potential. One category of such questions is seating arrangement-type questions. In this article, we will discuss the benefits of different seating arrangements and offer tips for optimizing your workspace. Let’s get started!

What are seating arrangement questions in Logical Reasoning? 

Seating arrangement questions in logical reasoning are those that give you a set of clues and ask you to deduce information from them. The question will usually have a diagram or pictorial representation of the seating arrangements. Based on the information given, you will have to answer certain questions.

For example, consider the following question:

There are five people – A, B, C, D, and E. They are sitting around a circular table such that A is opposite of B, C is opposite of D and E is opposite of A.

What is the position of B?

B sits at the North Pole position on the circle. This question tests your ability to analyze relationships between people and deduce information from them.

Types Of Seating Arrangement Questions 

The types of seating arrangement questions you will likely encounter in logical reasoning exams are:

  • Circular seating arrangements: In these questions, people are sitting around a circular table or in a circle.
  • Linear seating arrangements: In these questions, people are sitting in a line or rows.
  • Grid seating arrangements: In these questions, people are sitting in square boxes (grid).
  • T-shaped: In these questions, people are sitting in the shape of a T.
  • Hierarchical seating arrangements: In these questions, people are sitting according to their hierarchical position in an organization.

Benefits of Practising Seating Arrangement Questions For Logical Reasoning

There are many benefits of practicing seating arrangement questions for logical reasoning. Some of these benefits include:

  • Maximizing your brain’s potential: When you practice seating arrangement questions, you are training your brain to work more efficiently. The better your brain functions, the more logical and accurate your thinking will be.
  • Improved problem-solving skills: Seating arrangement questions require you to think critically and solve problems. By practicing these types of questions, you will sharpen your problem-solving skills.
  • Faster thinking: The more you practice seating arrangement questions, the faster your brain will be able to process information. This is because your brain will learn to recognize patterns and deductions more quickly.
  • Improved concentration: Seating arrangement questions can be quite challenging, and require your full attention to solve. By practicing these types of questions, you will improve your concentration skills.

So, if you want to maximize your brain’s potential, improve your problem-solving skills, think faster, and concentrate better, then start practicing seating arrangement questions for logical reasoning. You will not regret it!

Sample Questions For Seating Arrangement In Logical Reasoning Category

Now that we know the benefits of different seating arrangements, let’s look at some sample questions.

A, B, C, and D are sitting in a straight line facing north. What will be the position of C if D swaps the seat with B?

C will be sitting two seats to the right of A.


A, B, C, D, and E are sitting around a circular table such that A is opposite of B, C is opposite of D and E is opposite of A. What is the position of C?

C sits at the East Pole position on the circle.


A B and C are sitting in a straight line facing north. What will be the position of A if D swaps the seat with C?

A will now sit two seats to the right of B.

These questions test your ability to analyze relationships between people and deduce information from them. Practice these questions to improve your skills in this area.


Now that you know about the different seating arrangements for optimum logical reasoning, it is important to put this information into practice. When taking a test or sitting in a classroom setting, be sure to sit in an arrangement that will allow you to think most clearly. For some people, sitting at a desk in a traditional classroom setup works best. Others may prefer to stand and move around during class discussions or brainstorming sessions. The bottom line is that there is no one perfect way to sit and learn; find what works best for you and go with it!


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