Objective Resolution

Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the objective resolution India on December 13. In this article, we will learn about the objective resolution.

The Objective Resolution

Jawaharlal Nehru proposed the objective resolution India on December 13. Furthermore, the Assembly adopted the objective resolutions on January 22, 1947. The following is a summary of these resolutions:

  • India is a sovereign and independent republic.
  • India would be a combination of former British Indian territory, Indian Provinces, and other portions of India & Indian Jurisdictions eager to join the nation.
  • All authorities and government functions & management, apart from those allocated to and invested inside the Union, shall be undertaken by the regions that make up the Union.
  • All independent and sovereign India’s rights and power, including its Constitution, would come from the people.
  • Socioeconomic and political equality overall Indians; fairness of prestige and chances; and basic freedoms – of speaking, affirmation, faith, spirituality, worship, vocation, alliance, and action – subject to protection and social, moral standards, shall be guaranteed and protected.
  • Minority, underdeveloped and tribal territories, as well as depressed as well as other weaker sections, must be adequately protected.
  • The Republic’s territorial integrity and its national sovereignty on the ground, water, and sky must be protected by the justice of a civilised nation.
  • The country would contribute fully and willingly to developing international peace and human happiness.

Why did the constituent Assembly pass these resolutions?

The objective resolutions inspired the Indian Preamble, which may be observed.

Dr Rajendra Prasad, the President of Constituent Parliament, urged the entire Assembly that somehow this motion must be adopted immediately. And he requested all of the delegates to vote in favour of it, approving the agreement’s contents. As a result, the resolution received a unanimous vote. The Constituent Assembly considered discussing the Preamble once more on October 17, 1949. 

In a related manner, there were numerous debates regarding what must and must not be used in the Preamble. But, as with everything else, the starting point for decision-making is those objective resolutions proposed during the first Assembly.

The acceptance of such resolutions in the format of a preamble was primarily motivated by the fact that they encapsulated the clear sentiments of the constitutional architects. It stated clearly what sort of India is necessary after freedom; hence the Constituent Assembly approved these recommendations as to the Preamble to the World’s Largest Constitution, with minor revisions.

Because India is such a varied country, it was vital to present peeks of the Constitution to the Indian people to persuade them to participate in the new politics fully. Its sole purpose is to demonstrate how India’s authorities would lead the country to attain the revolution’s goals. According to Jawaharlal Nehru, the objective resolution ought to be the driving principle for constitution-makers. This new Constitution’s text must be precise because it was a legal act; thus, the resolution was designed to express its essence. “Laws are formed of words,” Nehru stated, “however this Resolution is more than just the law.”

This resolution expressed the desire and ambition for an equitable constitution that would benefit all segments of Indian society. This was not obligatory upon the Constitution’s drafters, but it was a moral plea to respect Indian society’s essential principles. It’s an attempt to launch a live statement to the Indian people and the rest of the world about India’s independence, modernity, & newness.


The goal of such resolutions would have been to portray future India. It explained to the Assembly just what country’s position and characteristics must be supplied to individuals who have high aspirations for this Constitution. The Constitution was drafted by a small group of persons in the Assembly, yet it’s the Constitution of all Indians. The phrase “We the people of India…” conveys a long tale about how the Constitution became a dream for many Indians. And this tale began with these objective resolutions by Nehru that became the nation’s world-famous Preamble. As per Jawaharlal Nehru, resolve ought to be the driving principle for constitutional architects. The founders were not bound by it, but it’s a call to morality.

The resolution emphasised the wish & aspiration for a constitution that benefits all parts of Indian society.


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