Find the Odd One Out

This article will talk about Analogy, Analogical Reasoning and Alphabet based Analogy along with the examples.


An Analogy is a correlation between two items, or frameworks of articles, that features regard in which they are believed to be comparative. The fact that relies upon a similarity makes analogical reasoning any sort of reasoning. An analogical contention is an unequivocal portrayal of a type of analogical thinking that refers to acknowledged likenesses between two frameworks to help the end that some further similitude exists. Overall (however not consistently), such contentions have a place in the class of ampliative thinking, since their decisions don’t follow with sureness yet are just upheld with differing levels of solidarity. Nonetheless, the legitimate portrayal of analogical contentions is liable to discuss.

Analogical thinking is major to the human idea and, seemingly, to a few nonhuman creatures too. By and large, analogical thinking has played a significant, yet in some cases strange, the job in a wide scope of critical thinking settings. The express utilization of analogical contentions, since relic, has been a particular component of logical, philosophical and legitimate thinking. This article centres principally around the nature, assessment and defence of analogical contentions. Related themes incorporate similitude, models in science, point of reference and similarity in lawful thinking.


An analogy is something that shows how two things are indistinguishable, yet with a definitive objective of making a point about this correlation.

The motivation behind an analogy isn’t just to show, yet additionally to make sense of. Thus, an analogy is more perplexing than an analogy or an illustration, which point just to show without making sense of it. (Similes and metaphors can be utilized to make a similarity, however normally analogies have extra data to make themselves clear.)

Example of Analogy

Think about this analogy, intended to convey purposelessness:

“What you’re doing is basically as helpful as adjusting folding seats on the Titanic.”

Here, the speaker is utilizing comparison to contrast the assignment being finished with the undertaking of revamping patio seats on the Titanic. Yet, a definitive objective isn’t simply to contrast one assignment with another, it is to impart that the principal task is pointless by contrasting it with an also futile undertaking, for example, modifying folding seats on a boat that broadly sank into the ocean on its first venture.

Different types of analogy

  1. Analogies identifying analogies that are identical

The cutting-edge word “analogy” really comes from the antiquated Greek word for “proportionality,” and Greek researchers utilized analogies to straightforwardly show comparative connections between two sets of words, regularly with the end goal of consistent contention. These analogies take the structure “A is to B as C is to D.” An illustration of a similarity that recognizes an indistinguishable analogy is “Dark is too white as on is too off.” In this model, the connection among highly contrasting (that they’re antonyms or contrary energies) is by and large practically identical to the connection among on and off (here and there are additionally alternate extremes).

  1. Analogies identifying shared abstraction

This kind of analogy thinks about two things that are in fact inconsequential, to draw examinations between a trait or example they share. For example, consider the analogy, “Bringing up youngsters is like planting support them and show restraint.” This model looks at the example that is comparative in both bringing up kids and cultivating. This kind of similarity is valuable recorded as a hard copy since it can assist with making theoretical thoughts (like bringing up youngsters) more concrete by drawing on pursuers’ experience information on natural pictures (like cultivating).

Difference between Analogy, Simile & Metaphor

While analogies, similes and metaphors are firmly related on the grounds that they are completely used to analyse various things, here are a few hints to assist you with recognizing these three sayings:

  • A simile is saying something is like something different. For instance, “Life resembles a container of chocolates.”
  • A metaphor is frequently gracefully saying something will be something different. For instance, “Life is a crate of chocolates.”
  • An analogy is saying something is like another thing to make some kind of the informative point. For instance, “Life resembles a container of chocolates-no one can tell what you will get.”

Alphabet Based Analogy

In this kind of analogy, two gatherings of letters connected with one another in the same manner, are given. The competitor is expected to distinguish the analogy and pick a gathering of letters that are connected similarly to a third gathering given in the inquiry. These inquiries become more straightforward to tackle in the event that you retain the alphabetic places of the letters in the letter set.


  1. Further develops Vocabulary Skills

Whenever kids practice analogies, it fabricates their advantage and availability for more thorough and complex readings. Instructing them that words can have various implications sets them up for better outcomes on future government-sanctioned tests. 

1.Speeds Up Reading Comprehension

Research shows associating what kids definitely know to new ideas and thoughts hones their concentration and develops their agreement. Through analogies, kids work on making associations while perceiving as of late gained jargon in writing which further develops their understanding perception.

2.Addresses Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS)

As indicated by Reading Rockets, as understudies become older, they are tested to accomplish increasingly more with the data they have learned and put away in their minds. This methodology requires higher-request thinking abilities (HOTS). Rehearsing analogies draws in youths to contemplate the words they’ve advanced and how they are associated. Creates Verbal Reasoning Abilities

Analogies expect understudies to foster valuable learning systems that assist them with understanding the connection among words and how they fit together. Research shows involving analogies in the study hall assist understudies with understanding an example all the more effectively as educators structure associations between the new subject and what has proactively been instructed.

With regards to separating homeroom educational plans for cutting edge students, rehearsing analogies is an integral asset that challenges them as well as urges them to think imaginatively. It tends to be utilized in cutting edge students’ study halls since it urges understudies to use their most prominent assets. It shows inventive and decisive reasoning abilities and presents a test that cutting-edge students appreciate. This intuitive rivalry can improve the principles for understudies and set them up for future scholastic accomplishment. 


Have you heard the articulation, “one great analogy is worth three hours of conversation?” Successful individuals get this as well as training it consistently. As indicated by an MIT article, analogies can assist with peopling sorting out mechanical change and different advancements. Whether throughout everyday life or in the working environment, individuals depend on analogies to appreciate change and track down similitudes in the new. While the grown-up and working world might appear to be far away for most teenagers, learning analogies and dominating them presently can give long-lasting advantages to years to come. 


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CLAT Examination Preparation.

What is Analogy?

Ans : An analogy is something that shows how two things are i...Read full

What is Alphabet Based Analogy?

Ans : In this kind of analogy, two gatherings of letters connected with one another in the same man...Read full

What is the importance of Analogy?

Ans : As indicated by an MIT article, analogies can assist with peopling sorting out mechanical cha...Read full

What are the 2 types of analogies?

Ans:  Number based and Alphabetical Based.