Direction Sense Questions: How to Ace Them Every Time


It’s no secret that direction sense questions are one of the most commonly tested topics on exams like the PSAT, SAT, and ACT. To ace these types of questions, it is important to understand how they are typically asked and what strategies you can use to answer them quickly and easily. In this article, we will discuss some common direction sense question formats as well as tips for answering them accurately every time. Let’s get started!

What Are Direction Sense Questions?

Direction sense questions are those that test your ability to understand and follow directions. These questions usually involve a map or a set of instructions, and they can be tricky if you don’t know what to look for.

Most direction sense questions will give you a starting point and an ending point, as well as a few other landmarks along the way. Your job is to use the information given to you to figure out the best route from start to finish.

Tips On How To Ace Direction Sense Questions

Here are a few tips on how to ace direction sense questions:

  • First, take a look at the map or set of instructions and try to get a general sense of where you need to go. What is the overall route that you need to take?
  • Next, look for any specific landmarks or points of interest that are mentioned in the question. These can help figure out your route.
  • Once you have a general sense of the route, start from the beginning and work your way through to the end. Pay attention to any details that are given in the question, and don’t forget to double-check your work before you submit your answer.
  • With a little practice, you’ll be able to ace direction sense questions with ease! Just remember to take your time and read the question carefully. If you do that, you’ll be on your way to success.

Common Errors made By Students In Direction Sense Questions: 

Direction sense questions are one of the most important topics in aptitude tests. Students often make silly mistakes while solving these questions and as a result, they score low marks in the exam. Here are some common errors made by students while solving direction sense questions:

  • Assuming North to be always up: This is one of the most common mistakes made by students. They assume that North is always up and as a result, they make mistakes in the questions.
  • Not reading the question carefully: Another common mistake made by students is that they do not read the question carefully and as a result, they make silly mistakes.
  • Assuming east to be on the left and west to be on the right: This is another common mistake made by students. East is not always on the left and west is not always on the right.

So, these are some of the most common mistakes made by students while solving direction sense questions. If you can avoid these mistakes, then you will be able to ace these questions every time.

Practice Questions

Now that you know the common mistakes made by students while solving direction sense questions, let’s have a look at some practice questions.

Question: A man is facing north. He turns 90 degrees to his right and then 180 degrees to his left. Which direction is he facing now?


  1. A) North-East
  2. B) South-East
  3. C) North-West
  4. D) South-West

Answer: D) South-West. The man is facing south after he turns 90 degrees to his right and then 180 degrees to his left. Therefore, the correct answer is option D).

Question: A man is facing north. He turns 90 degrees to his left and then 180 degrees to his right. Which direction is he facing now?


  1. A) North-East
  2. B) South-East
  3. C) North-West
  4. D) South-West

Answer: C) North-West. The man is facing north after he turns 90 degrees to his left and then 180 degrees to his right. Therefore, the correct answer is option C).


Direction sense questions are a great way to assess someone’s navigational abilities. They can also be used as part of an interview process to see how well a candidate would do in a certain role. By asking these questions, you can get an idea of someone’s problem-solving skills and their ability to think on their feet. A directional sense test is one more way to measure how well a person will do on the job. Thanks for reading.


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