Circular Table Seating Arrangement

Circular seating arrangements are common in both business and social settings. Let us see how you can solve them in standardised tests in this article.

Circular seating arrangements are common in both business and social settings. When faced with a circular table seating arrangement question, it is important to use logical reasoning strategies to determine the best answer. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the most common reasoning strategies used in circular seating questions, as well as provide some tips for answering these questions quickly and accurately. Let’s get started!

What Are Circular Table Seating Arrangement Questions? 

Circular table seating arrangement questions ask test-takers to determine the best answer based on a set of provided clues. These questions can be found in both standardised tests and business settings. In general, circular seating arrangements involve a circle of chairs with one or more people sitting in the middle. The goal is to determine who should sit in each chair based on the given information.

Types of Clues 

There are three main types of clues that are typically given in circular seating arrangement questions:

  • Position clues: These clues describe the position of each person concerning the others. For example, “A is sitting two seats to the left of B.”
  • Direction clues: These clues describe the direction in which each person is facing. For example, “C is facing the centre of the circle.”
  • Personal information clues: These clues describe personal information about each person, such as their profession or hobbies. For example, “D is an engineer.”

Using Logical Reasoning to Solve Circular Table Seating Arrangement Questions 

Now that we have a better understanding of the types of clues that are typically given in these questions, let’s discuss some of the most effective logical reasoning strategies for solving them.

Strategy One: Elimination 

One of the simplest and most effective strategies for solving circular seating arrangement questions is to eliminate wrong answer choices. This can be done by using the process of elimination or by checking for specific types of clues (position, direction, and personal information).

Strategy Two: Venn Diagrams 

Another common strategy for solving circular seating arrangement questions is to use Venn diagrams. A Venn diagram is a way of visually representing relationships between different groups of things. In the context of these questions, Venn diagrams can be used to represent the relationships between the people sitting in the circle.

Strategy Three: Systematic Testing 

Another effective strategy for solving these questions is to systematically test each answer choice until you find the correct one. To do this, start by assuming that one of the answer choices is correct and then use the given information to determine if this is indeed the case. If not, move on to the next answer choice and repeat the process until you find the correct solution.

Circular Table Seating Arrangement Sample Questions In Logical Reasoning

The circular table seating arrangement is a common question type in logical reasoning. In this question type, you are given a diagram of a circular table with a certain number of people sitting around it. Your task is to determine the seating arrangement based on the given information.

Answer the following questions based on the instructions below.

On the table are N, O, P, K, L, M and Q for dinner.

O is close to K and N.

K is to the right of Q, and L is to the left.

P is to the right of K

Q is not between P and M

Who are the neighbours of L?

Answer: M and Q are the neighbours of L.


Circular seating arrangement-based questions are becoming more popular in the business world. This type of seating arrangement is said to promote better communication and teamwork because it allows for people to easily face each other. We’ve put together some questions that will help you determine if this type of seating is right for your situation. Have you tried using a circular table seating arrangement? What were the results?


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the CLAT Examination Preparation.

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