Salary and Allowances

The bill aims to establish the rights of the Supreme Court's judges in terms of furlough, pension, and other terms of employment. Judges of the Top Court and Supreme Courts shall have access to an official house without having to pay rent under the provisions of the two Acts.

There will now be an additional Rs 2.8 lakh per month added to the Chief Justice of India’s monthly compensation.

Under the law ministry’s notification, supreme court judges and chief justices of top courts would get a monthly remuneration of Rs 2.50 lakh, an increase from the present Rs 90,000.

In the past, salary and allowances of supreme court judges was of Rs 1 lakh a month, while high court judges received a salary of Rs 80,000. The CJI received a bigger percentage of the..

Those changes took effect on July 1, 2017, while the rates for home rent allowance and sumptuary allowance was on effect from September 22, 2017, thanks to the High Court and Supreme State Justices (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Act, 2018. 2,500 retired judges will also profit from the shift.

Supreme Court and High Court Judges’ Salaries Raised by Lok Sabha on January 4th, 2019. A Supreme Court judge is entitled to “such privileges and reimbursements and such rights in respect of sabbatical and pension as may be determined by either under law made by Parliament” under Article 125 (2), but his privileges, allowances, or leave of absence or pension rights cannot be changed to disadvantage after appointment.

Compensation Breakdown

Currently, a Supreme Court judge is entitled to six months of leave on medical certificate, one month of leave without a medical certificate, and one month of incredible leave without expenses during the course of his service in that court. Each of these leaves is for a total of Rs. 1,110 per month. Allowing them the same leave periods as those granted to High Court Judges with minor adjustments is currently being considered. As a result of this change, they will now be eligible for leave on half payments for a period equivalent to one of the time they spent in real duty, subject to a maximum of three years over their whole duration of service. It is forbidden to award more than five months of paid leave at a time, and six-teen months at a time for paid leave on half-allowances. An individual judge’s total leave and supreme court judge allowance throughout his or her tenure cannot exceed one-quarter of the time he or she spent performing his or her official duties. Even if a medical certificate isn’t required, a judge may be awarded unpaid leave up to a certain amount if it’s predicted that the judge would come to duty and earn the leave. During the course of one’s employment, an employee may take up to six months of unpaid leave without penalty. For the first 45 days of his or her absence, the Judge will get his or her full pay, plus an additional Rs. 2,220 per month for the remainder of the vacation. The Justice will get Rs. l,110/- per month while on leave on half-allowances.

Current Scenario of salary and allowances of supreme court judges

A monthly stipend of 30 percent of their pay will be granted to judges who do not utilise this benefit.

Currently, the supreme court judge allowance is set at 24% of their pay.

As a result, if the dearness supreme court judge allowance rises beyond 25%, the allowance will be reduced to 27% of pay, and if it rises above 50%, it will be reduced to 30%.

For High Court & Supreme Court justices, there are two options for determining their pension: either they have held a pensionable position in the national or state government in their prior employment, or they have not. Both of these types of judges are targeted by the legislation. In addition, the maximum pension for these judges is revised.


There will be no significant adjustment in the levels of union judiciary salary and pensions. However, the rates of retirement have been represented in Indian money rather than pound. If a judge is not eligible for any other pension, he or she will be entitled to a yearly pension of Rs. 7,500.

The Minister for Law and Justice, Ravi Shankar Prasad, presented the High Court and Supreme Judges (salary and allowances of supreme court judges) Amendment Bill, 2017 in the Lok Sabha on December 21, 2017. Acts to change the salaries and labour relations for High Court Judges (1954), as well as the Supreme Court Judges (1958), are proposed in this bill. Judges of the union judiciary salary and high Courts Court salary are subject to these laws, which govern their pay and terms of service.


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Who selects judges who aren't District Court Judges?

Ans : After consultation with the State Public Service Commission and the High...Read full

Judges of the U.S. Supreme Court make what?

Ans : Parliament sets the salaries, benefits, privileges, time off, and retirees of Supreme Court judges on a regula...Read full

How much does a High Court Justice get paid?

Ans : Parliament sets the Supreme Court judges’ salaries, bonuses, privileges, vacation, and pensions on a con...Read full