National Development Council is also known as Rashtriya Vikas Parishad which is the top body for the making of decisions and thinking on development affairs of India, led by the Prime Minister (Shri Narendra Modi currently). This body was formed on the 6th of August 1952.


The National Human Rights commission is in control of the safeguarding and enhancement of human rights as it is defined by an act as “all the rights pertained to freedom, personal life, equality and honor, the constitution gives the assurance of it or written down in a foreign contract and are used by courts in Bharat (India).  Arun Kumar Mishra is the current chairperson of the agency executive of NHRC.

The 1st chairperson on the national human rights commission was Justice Ranganath Misra and his tenure started from 12th October 1993 to 24th November 1996. There are even rules laid down for the appointment of the members of the national human rights commission. 


Under sections 2,3,4 of the safety of an individual’s rights acts many rules have been laid down. President of India appoints the chairperson and the members of NHRC with advice from a committee that is formed which consists of:

  • The Prime Minister 
  • The Home Minister
  • The opposition leader in Rajya Sabha
  • The opposition leader in Lok Sabha
  • The speaker of Lok Sabha
  • The deputy chairman of Rajya Sabha


The functions of NHRC are as follows:

  1. Reactively inquires into breakage of any human right by Indian government or carelessness of such rules by a public servant who works under the government
  2. Safeguarding of human rights and suggesting measures for their proper implementation
  3. To view to factors, which includes terrorist attack which hampers the enjoyment of human rights and suggests the proper remedial plan 
  4. To go inside jails and feel the conditions of the prisoners
  5. To give a read to treaties and other foreign  instruments device based on human rights and then make proper suggestions for proper going of work
  6. Keeping busy in human rights education among different parts and advancing consciousness of the protection that is always there for the safeguarding of human rights can be done through media, seminars, etc.
  7. Promoting the hard efforts made by various NGOs and the organization that is working in the ground of human rights.
  8. Taking care of the need for the safeguarding rights of an individual
  9. Occupying any public copy by  any court/office


NHRC has 5 members other than ex-officio members and they include a chairperson. The structure is as follows:

  1. Firstly,  chief justice judge, chairperson, or supreme court judge of India
  2. 1  member who has in past or is now has  been a chief justice judge  and 1 member who is or has been the supreme court judge of India
  3. 3 members, from which one member should be a female  who is knowing, practical knowledge, and is having acquaintance  in matters concerning human rights 
  4. In addition to it, the chairpersons of the National Commission for Women, National Commission for Scheduled castes and tribes, national commission for backward class, etc.

After having a conversation with the Chief justice of the supreme court then only the sitting judge of the supreme court or sitting of the chief justice of the high court can be appointed.


  • AK.Mishra who is the present chairperson of this commission 
  • Jyotika Kalra 
  • Arun Kumar Mishra looks after the national commission for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
  • Sardar Iqbal Singh Lalpuraalong with the chairperson looks after the national commission of minorities 
  • Rekha Sharma along with the chairperson looks after the national commission of women
  • Again the chairperson looks after the national commission of backward classes and protection of human rights
  • The Chief commissioner looks after the person with disabilities


According to the human rights act 1993, the president can remove the chairperson only if he falls under these grounds:

  • Is termed as insolvent
  • Keeps himself busy in some other paid employment during the tenure or time of his office 
  • If termed as not fit to keep working in the office by a reason of not proper working of mind or body
  • Is of unsound mind and think himself very much sufficient in court
  • Has been or gone to jail for a crime, which directly comes in the opinion of the president


Human rights commissions are formed to protect the human rights of the people of India. The authority and the responsibility of the commission get more if the decisions they make are approved by the government. Misusing the laws by misusing the agencies which enforce the law is also a type of violation of human rights. So, as it is said that To improve or enhance the situation of human rights in India, the defenders of the human rights state and non-state everyone has to come together and work. NHRC is greatly enjoyable to a great extent about children’s rights.


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When was NDC abolished?

Ans: NDC has been proposed to be abolished but there has not been a single res...Read full

When was the first 5-year plan started in India?

Ans: India’s first 5-year plan was started from April 1951 to March 1956 and the 2nd 5-year plan started from Apri...Read full

Which is the last 5-year plan in India?

Ans: The most recent 5-year plan that happened in India was the 12...Read full

Who is the chairman of the National Development Council?

Ans: The prime minister is termed as the chairman of the National Development ...Read full

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Ans: National development means the power of the country to improve the standard of living of people. This can be ea...Read full