Members of State Legislative Assembly

State legislative assembly, members of Vidhan Sabha, Qualification of members of a legislative assembly

The laws that we follow are made by certain people sitting in a legislative parliament discussing crucial matters and taking into account every component of that particular issue. It is significant to know who the members of the state legislative assembly are and their qualifications. By the end of this blog, you will receive a deeper understanding of our legislative structure and the process of the appointment of members of the legislative structure. 

State legislative assembly

Before understanding the state legislative body, let’s look at what the legislature is. A legislature refers to the assembly that creates laws for the general public. As our country is a union of states, the union legislature becomes more robust than the state legislature. The State Legislative Assembly is known as Saasana Sabha or the Vidhan Sabha. It is a law-making assembly at the state level. 

Number of state legislative assemblies

There are 28 states and eight union territories in our country. There is either a unicameral state legislative or a bicameral state legislature in the states. 

Unicameral and bicameral state legislatures

A unicameral state legislature only comprises one assembly whereas the bicameral state legislature comprises two legislative houses (Vidhan Sabha and Vidhan Parishad). 

Bills of State Legislative Assembly

After the bill is passed by the state legislative assembly it goes on to the Governor. The Governor can give assent, reject or send back for review. If the assembly again passes the bill with or without changes for the second time, then the Governor’s assent is a must.

Powers and functions of state legislative assembly

The primary function of the assembly is to create laws on the concurrent and state list. The members have the power to create laws based on the subjects mentioned on the lists. The members of state legislative assembly have the additional power of electing the President of India. The finances of the state are also handled by the state legislative assembly. A money bill which is the expenditure to be spent on the state is introduced in the assembly. 

The council of ministers is answerable to the members of Vidhan Sabha. One other function of the State Legislative Assembly is to suggest amendments in the laws and legislations. The amendments can only be made if it is approved by a majority of the state assembly.

Members of the Vidhan Sabha

As per the Constitution, there should be a minimum of 60 members and a maximum of 500 members in the state assembly. If the state follows the bicameral state legislature then the Vidhan Parishad should have one-third of the total members of the Vidhan Sabha. 

Eligibility for state legislative members

There are some eligibility criteria to become a Member of the State Legislative Assembly. The eligibility for state legislative members are:

  • The person should be 25 years old for Vidhan Sabha and 30 years for Vidhan Parishad
  • The person should be a citizen of India
  • The person should not hold an office of profit
  • The person should be a registered voter in the state.

A person can be disqualified from being a member if:

  • The person is not of sound mind and body
  • The person is disqualified by a law made by the parliament
  • The person maintains an office of profit under the union or state government
  • The person is an undischarged insolvent

Number of Sessions and Term of an assembly

The assembly gathers twice a year and the gap between these sessions should not be less than six months. The state legislature can pass or suggest modifications within 14 days of the receipt of the bill. There are special provisions mentioned in the constitution if the committee cannot come to a definite solution for the bill. The duration of members of state legislative assembly is five years.


It is important to understand the legislative structure of our country. The State Legislative Assembly plays a vital part in the law-making process. It has various functions and powers as mentioned above which helps in creating laws for the general public. From creating laws to appointing the President of India it has several functions. The constitution has ensured to not give additional powers to the state legislatures so they won’t misuse it.


Frequently asked questions

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